Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eight years ago today...

I made my first post here at VFTP. That was 2,922 days and 10,057 posts ago.

Still here. Just because.


  1. Thank you. Please keep doing what you do.

  2. Only 10k servings of free ice cream?

    Thank you most kindly for making our world a bit more enlightened and a bit more entertaining and a whole lot funnier and snarkier.

  3. Happy Blogiversary! (Spell-checker says that's totally a word, BTW.) Been a lurker here since day one and I honestly do appreciate all the wit and wisdom you manage to pull out of the hat, every single day without fail.

    Cheers cap'n!

  4. Congratulations! In blog years you're really old! ;)

  5. Wow, you started on the windup version of Blogger, right?

    Thanks for all the snark and congrats!

  6. Congratulations and thank you and keep on doin' what you do indeed.

    As I've said before, eight years and 10K posts add up to many cubic miles of free ice cream and many metric tons of weapons-grade snark.

  7. Glad you still feel strong enough to keep up with the free ice cream.

    Long may you snark!

  8. Congrats and thanks for what you do here.

  9. As a sometimes commenter and nearly daily reader, I am proud to recall that I was led to your blog via my long-ago reading the gunblog of the author of an essay on manliness, receding thereof, in America, that as I recall you did not like, as a woman gun-using person.

    That long ago.

    And the free ice cream here still tastes just fine. Thanks for every single serving.

  10. I was going to go with thanks for all the fisk, but you don't really do much of that. So thanks for whatever it isand the example you set for the rest of us.

    More to follow, we hope.

  11. Thanks for being here.
    Please continue.

    Good stuff.

  12. Thank you for all the giggles, guffaws, and bellly laughs interspersed with the OMG, No way, and I cannot believe that posts.

    And for all the neat gun stuff too!

  13. It was twenty years ago today....

    Wait, you're too young to remember that one. Sigh, youngsters these days

  14. Another appreciative reader, saying "Thank you very much" for all you do.

    (the "other" DJ)

  15. Katrina weekend.

    Congrats though.

  16. Congrats. I knew of you as far back as 2009 from mentions of you at WRSA and your pics at Oleg's but didn't start reading/commenting regularly until around the time of your cameo in Day By Day.

    Wishing you many more years of free ice cream distribution.

  17. Well, alrighty then!

    Thanks for all the snark.

    Moar plz!


  18. And the internet's been a better place ever since.

  19. Oops. I went back and read the first post and meant to come back here and leave another comment but made it on that old post instead.

    If you wish please use your admin-fu to yank this text and put that in its place.

  20. You had a dream?


  21. Happy Blogiversary.

    I've learned a lot and it was even fun.

  22. Congratulations BlogMom!
    In the words of Henry Gibson,
    "Keep-a-goin' "

    And thanks for all the snark.


  23. This whole screen-shaped world is a better place because you're in it.

  24. Miss Tam,

    I am truly glad that you choose to share with all of us. Knowing there is a Heinleinic Heroine among us is a great comfort. Best wishes for the next nine(ty) years!

    Colorado Joe

  25. Congratulations on your 8th blogiversary. I've been lurking and enjoying for the better part of this year, I guess. Oddly enough, today marks my blog's first tentative step into the daylight.

  26. Thanks Oz, now I've got Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band stuck in my head. There isn't a lot of room in there already.

    Nice jorb on 8 years, it's the consistency that I appreciate more than the length. Keeping the machine cranking everyday gets tedious I'm sure.

  27. That's quite a lot of snark. A grateful Intarwebz thanks you. Well, I do, anyway.

  28. Many thanks. For years, this has been the second blog on my list of daily reads. First is GOCIA, but that's just because of habit, not necessarily 'cause he's better.
    Hope you continue for many years to come.

    Rob J

  29. Congratulations and thanks for all the free ice cream. Here's hopes for many years to come.

  30. Very glad you are here and blessed to know you.

  31. Damned near always my first stop on the interweb every. Single. Day. Who needs caffeine when you can get weapons-grade snark?

    Please keep on keepin' on!

  32. Hmmm, think I've been coming here for maybe six years. Think I'll check the archives...
    Anyway, first stop every day! And I use your blogroll for further enjoyment and edification.

  33. Wow... congrats... that means you're like 114,206 years old in fabulous, sarcastic wit years...

    Dann in Ohio

  34. Tam, thanks for the birthday wishes to my boy in that first post. Thought I'd move my reply here where it belongs.

    A couple weeks ago he accompanied me to my first benchrest match since 2011. Afterward we swung through Bass Pro hoping I could score some more 168gr Sierra Matchkings. No luck but as we were leaving we found the CMP had set up an airgun range.

    He had a ball.

    As soon as we got home I let him break out the BB gun we got him for his 7th birthday. I don't let him do this enough. Not quite ready to let him be unsupervised and I'm usually quite busy.

    I have a tougher road teaching his baby sister. She's a southpaw and I don't know how you get a 5 year old to show you which eye dominant she is.


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