Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's like the universe is gaslighting me...

The liberals in my television are all a-flutter about some Middle Eastern dictator gassing his own people.

Apparently if this happens while there is a Democrat in the White House, we need to rush some troops on in there and intervene.

Note to Middle Eastern dictators: If you want the New York media establishment on your side, only nerve gas your own people during Republican administrations.


  1. They've gotta get the vapors. POTUS declared such events a "red line" (whatever that is; RPM's exceeding specs?).
    Wonder where all those chems came from?

  2. Saddam never gassed his own people. Couldn't have happened because there were no WMDs in Iraq.

    That's settled by consensus just like global warming.

  3. Yep. You want a honest press you need to elect someone they don't like. The only way you will know what the government will be doing.

    Getting to the point I don't want to even watch tee vee. Seems I could be doing something else.

  4. JohninMd.(too late?!??)10:23 AM, August 22, 2013

    Dunno bout that, Scot. I seem to remember cargo flights and truck convoys outa N. Iraq into Syria before both clock-cleanings we applied to Sodamn Insane. Unless they were just clearing out the fine porcelain before the festivities began.......

  5. JohninMD, I think your sarcasometer might need some adjustment ;)

  6. The French are now threatening Assad with war over this.

    Because people take war threats from France more seriously than they do if they come from Obama.

  7. Kristohr,

    That'll leave a mark. The truth hurts. OOF!

    I can picture Assad as he recovers from laughter that nearly choked him to death, "the French... The freakin' Frogs, threatening me with war!" hahahahaaaaaaa... cough cough... "what next? Obama threatening sanctions?" HARHARHAR....

  8. As I recall, not only lots of truckloads of unmentionable milsurp hardware, but also huge numbers of Baathist Party cardholders went to Syria just before, during, and just after the 2003 US invasion.

    Wonder what, if anything, having a few hundred thousand Party thugs move to your upscale rental neighborhoods does to property values, neighborhood association meetings, and local governments?

  9. Obama needs to channel Woodrow Wilson, HE would know what to do: "...Teach the South American Middle Eastern republics to elect good men." - or else have a splendid little war down in South or Central America/Haiti etc...

  10. That's it, folks, turn off the servers and go home. Kristophr just won all the internets.

  11. Yeah, I can't imagine where the Syrians might have gotten that stuff...

  12. Making nerve gas ain't that hard for a nation-state.

    Syria has had a chemical weps programme for years. Could be Iraqi in origin, but not necessarily.

    Iraq, their head of their wmd programme defected in '95 and claimed it was all over. And nothing except decayed chemical warheads has ever been found there anyway.

  13. "And nothing except decayed chemical warheads has ever been found there anyway."

    Let's not even mention the bunker, under one of his palaces, that extended under the Tigris, that a former (UN/NRC?) inspector claimed damn near glowed in the dark, and gave evidence of being hastily emptied AFTER the invasion.

  14. Said bunker was filled with concrete for portions of it.

    No, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of those were marked 'Made in Iraq, 1999' and have French-made parts in them.

  15. What about the cache of FUNCTIONAL chemical weapons the UN inspectors found, secured, sealed, and then left behind, never to be seen after they got thrown out of Iraq in 1998?

    I guess the WMD Fairy made those vanish. . .

  16. Did they?

    Those are all pissant weaspons anyway.

    Thermonukes, bioweapons are scary. Sarin, plain old nukes, not so much.

    Bomber command, USAAF did almost the same thing with night raids, some good weather and lots of incendiaries.

    Firestorm is not just a metaphor..

    Though, I'd get myself a gas mask and some atropine, were I a mid-easterner..

  17. Scott J: You almost broke my sarcasmeter. But on the other hand Bush didn't bother with him until about 15 years after, that's quite a bit of a time lag.


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