Sunday, August 18, 2013


I returned to the motel room at about 0200, consumed three cans of a local witbier like I was at a frat party, and went toes up in the bed in short order.

Now I'm shuffling over to the awards banquet, fortified by Diet Pepsi, vitamin I, and a cup of hotel room coffee-like substance. I traveled completely across the country and got my ass handed to me by the best shooters in the industry in return for free chow, brochures 'n' product literature, and a hat with my name on it.

I feel like a real gun writer.


  1. You set the standard to which the rest of us can aspire to. I'll suggest the hats to GBR.

  2. While you are still there, step outside and take a look to the West.

    All those pretty snow covered mountains you can see from North to South are actually dormant volcanoes.

  3. An addition to the plus column: You don't have to report to a cubicle Monday morning. :)

    I don't either this week but most weeks I do.

  4. Am you should be proud of yourself! YOU are a gun writer! And a damn good one at that! I wish I could go shoot with jerry m. and the others in his league!


  5. And you fixed your shotgun with a nail file, a nail file! If that doesn't say gunwriter what does?


  6. Just so you don't start acting like one LOL

  7. Congrats on the gig! You're well on your way to becoming the P.J. O'Rourke of the gun rags now!

  8. Well done, you got out there and completed! Win, lose or draw, you stood up for us! Thanks you!


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