Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The dialog in my head...

" then I said 'No, seriously, get off my lawn.'"


  1. I am thinking Land of the Lost. Why aren't you???

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. grapeshot and I'm in. I can tow that mother behind the exploder.

  3. "You wanna see my shrapnel scars from Normandy?"

    "Only if I can show you the metal plate I got after my government vacation in the Ardennes!"

  4. I want a French 75! Either the cannon or the cocktail.

  5. Might be we Og and I could weld one up for you, Tam.

    Just a thought.

    What caliber would you like???

  6. Since that looks like a parrot's rifle, you'd be clearing Johnny Rebs offin' yer lawn......

  7. Parrot rifles... I wonder how many were captured by CSA.

    I spent some time around Chickamauga, Lookout Mtn., Missionary Ridge... those guns are all over the place.

    I attended some living history... saw 'em load up a Parrot and fire it.

  8. But, but, but ...

    It's just left there, unattended!!OMG!!!

    Any second now it's going to jump up and slaughter innocent children eating ice-cream.


  9. There's a French 75 sitting out by City Hall hereabouts; though the breechblock is conspicuous by its absence. And the wheels are new - person or persons unknown made off with the old ones :(

  10. 40mm Jap Hotchkiss nearby, virtually a dead ringer for our old 37mm AT gun.A couple of tack welds on the bolt, under a dozen layers of paint. All it needs is sweat equity and a sight.

  11. Has all the fiddly bits. Now all you need is some FG powder, Linen Cartridge Bags, 3" Shot or Shell and at least three extra hands and you're ready to go. ;)


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