Wednesday, September 18, 2013

As Insty would say, "heh"...


  1. And that has every Bradyite in the country wetting their linen.

  2. No, they aren't. They know that fact will NEVER be reported by the Pravda Media.

  3. They were police, members of the anointed class authorized to possess weapons not permitted the hoi polloi. Are we sure it was an AR-15 or, since Police can buy whatever they want, was it really an M-16 or M-4?

  4. Even if they know they're not wetting themselves because Law Enforcement posession of AR's doesn't bother the statists. It posession (and carrying -gasp!) by the unwashed peasant class that bothers them.

  5. The people are the police, and the police are the people.

    If it's good enough for Officer Friendly to protect himself while incidentally protecting me, it's good enough for me to have in the first place.

    No exceptions - if cops "need" weaponry that is "unsuited to civilian hands"*, then they're not being cops anymore.

    (* The null set, at least in terms of personal armament.)

  6. Just saw CBS news and the sheep have finally figured out pump guns can be "devastating". Of course they had the magpul version of the 870 with extended magazine and scary muzzle device. Can anyone find out what version the nutjob actually bought? It would be kinda cool if it was a wingmaster

  7. It was a basic plain Jane Remington 870 Wingmaster costing under $300.

  8. It was a basic plain Jane Remington 870 Wingmaster costing under $300.

    Must have been used, then, because I don't think you can even get a new Express for under $300...

  9. and a cut off barrel. there should be a law or something.


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