Thursday, September 12, 2013

Crickets in my head.

I got nothin' at the moment.

Feel free to talk amongst yourselves for a bit while I figure out what's wrong with the ice cream machine.


  1. Probably low on sugar and caffeine.

  2. Rumor has it that, at the last meeting, Barry said, "Holy Crap, Vlad! I've really stuck my foot in my mouth over this Syria thing. Bail me out and I promise to make it up to you."

  3. We all have days like that. I actually posted a picture of a platypus today as part of an ADD post.

  4. Easy fix: needs more cowbell.

  5. You have an ice cream machine? IS it the kind that makes just makes a couple of servings of ice cream or a big, two flavor soft serve kind?

  6. We like links to pretty pRon. Something in the 45 caliber would be nice.

  7. Crickets in your head? Are they tunnelling their way through? Laying eggs on the way?


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