Thursday, September 12, 2013


I was up past my bedtime last night.


  1. *showing WoW ignorance* "Can't sleep zombie T-rexs to kill

  2. You kids and your video games.

  3. Satanam in computatrum10:31 AM, September 12, 2013

    So you're in Orgrimmar. How goes the siege? (I dropped out of WoW long ago, but I get general MMO updates via the Twitterz, so heard about the new patch)

    And: FtH!!!!

  4. A hunter...with a rifle. Of course, how could you be anything else. Siege of Orgrimmar? I'll assume King Wrynn still has all the foreign policy expertise of a baked potato then.

  5. That's it? That's all the ice cream you can come up with! Man, I got cheated!!! I demand my money ba--


    (Have a great day.)

  6. Keith,

    "...with a rifle."

    I was resistant to the guns, initially, and only used bows, but then I thought "Self, there are cow people flying around on bats, and your willing suspension of disbelief is dented by repeating muzzleloaders? Get over yourself."

    So, yeah, a rifle. With a bayonet, so even in WoW I can make Sarah Brady cry! :D

  7. I need to redouble my efforts ... The clothies and one of the hunters are still beating me.

  8. Odysseus:

    That zombie T-Rex is her pet.

    It loves her, and will cheerfully kill for her.

    Of course, she could be using a face-eating monkey instead.

  9. I know just enough about WoW to recognize that it is WoW. I couldn't even see the rifle, nor did I know she was a hunter. Can't even tell what race her character is.

    I'm a City of Heroes player, through and through. Or at least I WAS, until NCSoft killed it a year ago. :(

  10. Can't you upgrade to a Barrett .50? It IS fantasy, after all....

  11. WoW ate my life for about 3 or 4 years. I quit playing about 3 years back and don't really miss it. Sometimes I'd like to dust off my old shadow priest, but then I'd have to level up again. Looks like you're having fun though.

  12. Nice dino, Tam. One of my hunters has a pet that is a named low level boss scorpion that isn't in the game since Cataclysm. My WoW geeky friends are jealous. You should be able to sell pets.

  13. I do Star Trek Online on occasion, more often right after they release some good content.

    If I could get enough NRA members on there to form a Federation Phaser Association, I swear I would drop my current fleet to join it.

  14. If this was the view out your window, I'd load for BEAR!


  15. 183k dps? Very nice, but DPS numbers sure have inflated since I last played WoW heh (Cataclysm). Although the percentage is what's really fun compared to the rest of the raid heh :)

  16. Sadly, my knowledge of WoW is limited to "LeeeeeeeeeRoy Jeeennnnnnnnnkinssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  17. "With a bayonet, so even in WoW I can make Sarah Brady cry! :D"

    So going elsewhere for quoting.

  18. I loved WOW, but I just could not get into pandas.

    Oddly enough, I was never into the shoot-em-up portion of the game. I always enjoyed leveling the professions and running my Disc Priest for healing. A lot of my friends could not figure out why I wanted to heal instead of pew-pew, but I've always seem to put myself into some sort of support role because I always seem to see what needs to be done instead of heading headfirst into an issue.

  19. Did they put the clock and the DayOfTheMonth calendar on the home screen to help those poor addicts who lost relationships/jobs to the game? :)

  20. Can the T-Rex get on the Zeppelin to Wherever? Zeppelins are cool! Can't tell anything else, the graphics are too small, hope it was fun!

  21. And on a school night too.

    Young lady, what are we going to do with you??

  22. Horde??? I don't know if I should have expected that or not.

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine:

  23. Commander_Zero,

    You and Marko and your goody-two-shoes Alliance characters! ;)

  24. I've got a few characters.

    My Enh Shaman ate about 6 years of my life. 2006-2012. I wish now that I had put all that time into shooting. I'd be high A class maybe have my M card.


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