Thursday, September 05, 2013

Flash! Breaking news!

Hold the presses! They just announced on the national network news that...

George Zimmerman got a traffic ticket.

Seriously? The media is so pissed they couldn't get this guy thrown in prison that there's going to be an AP wire piece going out every time he farts from now until Doomsday, or until they hound him into the grave, whichever comes first.


  1. A traffic ticket?!? See? See???

    Clearly he's a morally deficient murderer! He GOT A TRAFFIC TICKET!!one!!!1!!! That totally proves everything!

    If past cases of "Punishment by media hounding" are any indication, this will eventually blow over. But until then, you're right, they are going to report every little sniffle.


  2. I'll take "until they hound him into the grave" for a thousand, Alex....

  3. Yes, we will be in his jammies till he dies. Next will be the children.

    What a crock.

  4. I'm with hound him to the grave. The media gave a description of his new look. They are trying to kill him.

    Jorge should have left the country.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. Beats having to actually REPORT on things; that involves work.

  6. The accused murderer of BHO son, if he had a son, threw away several French fries today despite the fact there are starving black children in the Sudan.

    When CNN tried to contact the NRA and George Bush, they declined comment.


  7. " there's going to be an AP wire piece going out every time he farts from now until Doomsday,".

    SW and I had a similar discussion earlier in the morning when they had this on the Today show. I made the statement that the next time he takes a shit, it will be on the news.

    A speeding ticket. Where were these asshat's the last time I got a speeding ticket? No where to be seen, that's where.

  8. SB is correct; they say where he is, what he now looks like, and end with this blurb from which you can hear the accusatory disgust fairly dripping from the page:

    "Prosecutors argued that Zimmerman profiled, pursued and confronted the black youth. Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense."

    And it's their lead news story. Can you imagine the glee at 30 Rock when they report the ambush that is sure to come as "understandable anguish and anger boiled over today as the killer of Trayvon met a similar fate..."

  9. I think SB is right about the effect (if not the intention) of the details the media is reporting.

    Which my cynical imagination extrapolated to Zimmerman having a never ending Ground Hog Day of a life where he has to defend himself in court (and public opinion) for shooting after shooting after shooting of people who keep trying to "Avenge Trayvon".

    Naaa... I still think it will eventually blow over and the media will find a new whipping boy.

    NOT IT!!!


  10. Clearly, he is a menace to society. It's his racist lead foot.

  11. Apropos of absolutely nothing whatsoever, how's his lawsuit against NBC coming along?

  12. Wait, so you're sayin' George Zimmerman farted... I guess I'm not keepin' up with the news...

    Dann in Ohio

  13. Yeah, I was baffled when they reported on the TX stop around here. This is news because......

    Loons, the lot of 'em.



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