Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm confused.

The people in my television set keep calling it Patriot Day, which is confusing me because I thought Patriot's Day was on the 19th of April, when we celebrate the brave Americans who took the field in Massachusetts to defend their rights and throw off the shackles of monarchy.

Anyway, the president was on the televisor last night urging us to memorialize those who were murdered on this day twelve years ago by flying air strikes in support of the faction that murdered them. Whatever else may be said, that took an amazing level of chutzpah, to call on a nation to go to war in support of terrorists the night before going to lay a wreath at a ceremony commemorating their victims.


  1. It's a good thing DARPA developed Halon boxers to keep the pres safe whenever his pants catch fire.

  2. >calling it Patriot Day

    That's Bush's fault. No really, he signed the bill to create the day.

    They said that if I didn't vote for Obama, we would end up living out Bush's 4th term, and they were right.

  3. The ability to hold two contradictory thoughts in your head at the same time is the key to being able to talk newspeak.

  4. The April 19th holiday is called Patriots' Day in Mass and Wisconsin, and is called Patriot's Day in Maine. These are the only states where there is an official holiday.

  5. The said part is he really believe the trip he is spewing. He is the Saudi sock puppet, so anytime he says we or ours he is really referring to the country that gave us the people who killed the world trade center.

  6. I don't think you make enough allowance for the Chicago-style politics that put B. Hussein in the Senate, then the White House. I mean, sure, selling Barry's Senate seat was the first time money changed hands for the seat. Right. And prime Presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett (that couldn't face a Senate committee to confirm a dog catcher, with her slum lord background) is just a personal friend that makes nice brownies.

    Think the morals and ethics of that freedom fighter, Al Capone. Or maybe the senior Mayor Daley.

  7. "Po-litical Science Theater
    Three Thoooousaaaaannnd!"

    1. GVI just wunz the intertubes......

  8. When the Patriot Act is unjustifiably used against you, every day is Patriot's Day.

  9. Sadly, the waters have been muddled. There's Patriot Day, Patriot's Day and Patriots' Day. To me, there is but one Patriots/Patriot/Patriot's Day and it is 4/19.

  10. The ability to hold two contradictory thoughts in your head at the same time is the key to being able to talk newspeak

    Don't forget that whole talking out of both sides of your mouth thing...or some other orifice.

  11. In Afghanistan we fly Close Air Support to kill Al-Qaeda and terrorists. In Syria we will fly Close Air Support for Al-Qaeda and the terrorists.

  12. Patriot day because it gave us the abomination known as the patriot act. Thanks GW.


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