Monday, September 09, 2013

It's not _______ when we do it.

In an op-ed piece dripping with sneering condescension, Dean Obeidallah is unintentionally amusing at several points in his frothing outburst of Palin Derangement Syndrome*. Take, for instance, this entirely un-self-aware accusation:
Could Palin know even more Arabic? She did go on to say that both sides fighting in Syria are, "shouting 'Allah Akbar' at each other."

She could've easily translated "Allah Akbar" into English, noting that the combatants were screaming, "God is great." Or as Sen. John McCain remarked Tuesday on Fox News, "Allah Akbar" is no different than an American Christian saying, "Thank God." 
Stop for a moment.

Imagine if Obeidallah was commenting on some grainy FLIR gun camera footage where a U.S. pilot was ecstatically murmuring "God is great! God is great! God is great!" from the moment the Hellfire left the rail to the point where it impacted amongst the women and kids.

There would be absolute pandemonium on the networks. Dean, whose standup has been graded on a curve since 9/11 because his dad is Palestinian**, would be sh!++!ng himself with panicky accusations of our military being composed of xenophobic homicidal JeezoBot crusaders. But, you know, if you do it in a foreign language, it's just a colorful ethnic tradition.

* Don't worry, Zimmerman; Palin is still the Thinking Liberal's Goldstein.
** This makes Obeidallah, who was born in New Jersey, less of a "Palestinian" than I am a "Chicagoan".


  1. Liberal newspapermen waving their pseudo-intellectual arrogance on the front page of the Daily Double Standard?

    Life goes on, bra!

    La la, how the life goes on.

  2. They open their mouths and stupid falls out...

  3. Pilot doesn't even have to have the "Allah Snackbar" mutterance going on for the missile launch.

    Just let his call sign be "Bacon Grease One", and the libs heads would 'splode just like they were the Hellfire recipients.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  4. Man they must really be running scared Palin is going to try a run. They are smashing her again and she has not even hinted at a run.

    HillBill is already ginning up the machine, not that you will hear anything but glowing recommendations of her for saint hood.

    We are so screwed.

  5. But, you know, if you do it in a foreign language, it's just a colorful ethnic tradition.
    Funny how that works isn't it...

  6. OT: speaking of life in the monkey house, might be time to update the taxonomy of modern dangers, what caliber for testicle eating monkey?

  7. Dean who?
    My introduction to Dean O. was here at Larry Correia's place where poor Dean did not present well at all. Unfortunately this recent spate of irrelevancies does not make him look any better. Of course I assume his goal is to generate heat, er page hits, rather than light, so in that sense he is succeeding.

  8. Maybe his call sign could be Schweinfett 1? It's in a foreign language. . .

    And Obeidallah was born in New Jersey?
    So, he's Palestinian Nisei, then?
    Somehow I think he'd fall short in the Nisei department. Academically at the very least!

  9. BTW: Kerry laid down his ultimatum today: Turn over the chemical weapons or we go to war.

    Assad and Putin's response:"Sure. We agree. Send in the UN inspectors."

    Putin plays chess.

    Obama isn't even allowed at the kid's checker's table ... he might eat the pieces.

  10. They don't let you play the Race Card in chess.

  11. Remember when the left-wing bed wetters collectively shat themselves over the biblical verse on government issued ACOGs?

    Yeah, me neither.

  12. I have absolutely Zero video editing skills, but can you imagine if some took a Live Leak gun camera video and edited to do this:

    some grainy FLIR gun camera footage where a U.S. pilot was ecstatically murmuring "God is great! God is great! God is great!" from the moment the Hellfire left the rail to the point where it impacted

  13. P.J. O'Rourke made a comment years ago, mentioning a group of Arabs shouting "Allah akbar!" when an airplane took off.

    He admitted that all it meant was "God is great," but it had the same associations "Jesus loves you" would if Jerry Falwell's folks were running around killing people.

  14. So, if that hypothetical pilot was muttering "God is Great", would they translate it into the Arabic "Allah Akbar" when they report it in the middle east?

  15. The equivalent "Christian" phrase is "Deus Vult!" ("God wills it") -- the battlecry of the Crusaders.

    Note that it is a close approximation of the common Islamic saying, "Masha'Allah" ("God wills it") or "Insha'Allah" ("God willing"), but has a completely different cultural nuance.

    You say Masha'Allah when you hear good news, such as that your friend has just become a father.

    You say Insha'Allah when describing why the tank (that you haven't pulled PCMS on since the Soviets delivered it FOB at Port Said) won't start.

    You say Deus Vult when you are charging into Muslim lines in order to kill them all.

    Sort of like the cultural meaning of "Allah Akbar". . .

  16. What about the video of the insurgent guy caught bonking the donky, isn't he saying that too?


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