Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sorry for the delay...

Been on the road, picking up some custom work. Had the triggers on my Model 57 and Model 296 worked over.

The 296 is really nice, but the trigger on the 57? That thing is now darn near the platonic ideal of a carry N-frame DA trigger pull. Like buttah, and yet with authority on the return. It's a set of C&S or Bowen sights and some Eagle Secret Service Grips away from being about perfect for me.

Pics to follow.


  1. Eagle Secret Service Grips (which they should call stocks!) are EXCELLENT!
    I had a pair for my S&W Model 65 3".
    A vast improvement over the factory string bean stocks and a Tyler T-Grip!


  2. I'm pleased with the work that was done by Denny on my Model 13. It wasn't bad, now it is bad-ass. I'd like to get something done to the front sigh, it's a shame Denny wouldn't/couldn't touch them.

  3. Joseph,

    Denny does everything by hand. If you need to have milling done on like, a front sight, give Bob a call at Coal Creek.

  4. Smith & Wesson 57. The only thing better is TWO Smith and Wesson Model 57s.

  5. I'm itching to get my 66-1 back all tweaked and what have you. Denny's reputation--and several hours of conversation with him--have led me to expect major improvements.

  6. Secret Service on Two 2" Combat Masterpieces. Thought about it for the one N Frame 58 but that's a whole lotta gun for them splinters.


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