Wednesday, October 23, 2013


On last year's little jaunt out to Oregon, among the trinkets with which Leatherman stuffed our pockets was a Led Lenser P3 AFS flashlight. I started carrying mine immediately because I loved the little AAA size combined with the no-kidding 75 lumen output. I especially liked that, thanks to the sliding focus head, those lumens could be diffused to a wide, soft spread or tightened down to an amazingly bright and projecting beam.

After carrying it for month or so, I lost it and promptly ordered another one from Amazon.

This one lasted a bit over a year, but now some Delta Airlines ramp rat at MSP has my second P3 AFS, since it fell out of my pocket unnoticed* while trying to fish my wallet out in the confines of an MD88 chair. Carrying the ProTac 2AA 'til my third** P3 get here on the Big Brown Truck of Happiness.

This ProTac feels like I'm trying to smuggle a tee-ball bat after all that time carrying a little AAA-size light.

*Well, I noticed a clatter, but it couldn't have been from me, right? Because I always move my flashlight to a shirt pocket or the collar of my t-shirt for ease of access while flying! You don't want to be fumbling for a light when you're trying to unass Flight 1549, right?

**And fourth. Because this time I'm ordering two. Because two is one and one is none, right?


  1. Rather surprised that TSA hasn't seized this good swag, um, deadly weapon.

    I still carry my little cheap promo lights, I ordered them with my email on them so if I lose my keys they might come back. I use them as zipper pulls on my luggage, too.

  2. 75 lumens from a AAA size?

    I must check that out at a smaller alternative to the Tomahawk.

    At $30-ish it would make a good gift for the kids to buy for me (with my money :) ) for Christmas.

    Is it a twist on/off deal or does it have a button switch?

  3. Scott J,

    Push-button tailcap that works well enough as a momentary that I hardly bother with the clicky.

  4. Now that you will have two Lenser P3 flashlights the law of perversity guarantees that you will lose neither.

    I wonder if Amazon or the vendor is responsible for proofreading. The P3 listing claims it uses a single AAAA (sic)cell while the Protac apparently includes two "AA" Alkaline Batteries. So are those "AA" cells kind of like real AA's? (Why the quotation marks?) Sheesh.

    I am not, repeat, NOT anal retentive.

  5. Mike_C,

    "Now that you will have two Lenser P3 flashlights the law of perversity guarantees that you will lose neither."

    I consider it to be 'sympathetic magic'. ;)

  6. *75* lumens? Blinked a couple times at that number, looked askance at the Streamlight Microstream in my shirt pocket, and hopped on Amazon. Thanks!

  7. I learned something about flashlights with the purchase of my first 2D cell Maglite decades ago.

    Tactical operator BLACK is not the right color for a flashlight. Black flashlights are hard to find in the dark and get lost easily.

    I've had my bright yellow Surefire G2 for so long that it is now sort of a grungy yellow-gray.

    And my pocket LED penlight is metallic silver - harder to leave on a dark upholstered seat.

    Only problem is I can't justify replacing them with niftier lumenosity wands since they still work and aren't lost.

  8. just bought the last two at Amazon. :)

  9. And now there is only one left on Amazon! Tam caused a run on those little gems!

  10. Nice. I consider my little Fenix E05 (not much bigger than the AAA in it, 27 lumens) to be completely adequate for a pocket flashlight, but I may have to grab a Lenser sometime.

  11. It appears #880094 is the same light. Not 100% sure, though.

  12. sympathetic magic
    Sounds SO much better than "law of perversity" doesn't it!

    BTW, the irony of my prior comment (complaining about poor proof-reading) being full of typographical errors is not lost on me. Sigh.

  13. Same product? With sheath and lanyard. At a lower price!

  14. "Same product?"

    Nope. That's a regular P3, which only has a 14 lumen output.

  15. I see said the blind man.

    Same look but different model:

  16. One of the problems there is the dimensions/weights mostly seem to consist of the box it ships in.

  17. if you lose it again, you might check out this one:

    I've been pretty pleased with the previous version, and just got the 3rd gen model this week.

  18. Those times are for an alkaline battery. How does a lithium AAA do?



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