Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Hippie, please!

The New Republic, which claims to "tackle politics, culture, and big ideas from an unbiased and thought-provoking perspective", calls on the Sun King to do something about those icky Rethuglicans!

Be very careful what you wish for, hippie. Reaping whirlwinds takes a bigger scythe than the one you bought down at the organic co-op.


  1. The WW2 Memorial could be a flashpoint, if there is one. For some reason, the Nat'l Park Service has decided to close an open, outdoor memorial that was accessible 24 hours a day and unattended from 2300 to 0800.

    They think a few concrete barriers and police tape will keep out men that stormed ashore at Normandy and Iwo Jima? They might be 80 or 90 years old, but I'll put my money on them.

  2. I think Boris was against the guys in the tanks Comrade Flower Child.


  3. Friggin' morons... that they'd actually start throwing this out is- well, I really don't have the right words for that level of stupid.

  4. Can I just say...

    PLEASE! Oh, PLEASE!!! Try it. I DARE you!

  5. Will no one rid me of this meddlesome opposition party?

  6. Kevin,

    Personally, I have no desire to be using the toilet in a frozen shell crater this winter.

  7. Your no fun at all Tam. You won't just be crapping in a frozen shell crater, you'll be taking a victory dump in a freedom hole!

    1. Hole-y crap, now that right there is funny. Now I got beer all over my keyboard.

  8. Knowing Tam, she'd be using enemy skulls for disposable latrine vessels...

  9. JohninMd.(too late?!??)11:40 AM, October 02, 2013

    DING!! Oleg wins teh innertuubs on this thread....

  10. Hey, I'm in south texas, I wont be freezing anything...

    Frying, on the other hand...

    1. People never smarten up until Hell freezes over, so ya never know. Pigs are already starting to molt in Colorado.

  11. With Clancy (RIP) gone, who will write the script?


  12. Either Bracken or Rawles, I suppose.

  13. This illustrates what they think of the military: They think that the military is filled with a bunch of morons who would blindly follow orders to place Obama in the dictator's seat.
    While some career officers would undoubtedly do so, there would be a splintering of the military, followed shortly thereafter by part two of the war between the states.

  14. Well, they did get rid of the top brass that believe in the Constitution. that was what beghazi was about. that and giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

    Personally I have crapped in the field on a cold day and wiped with dried cornstalks. Try it sometime before recommending it.

  15. There is no reason to close any of the downtown DC monuments. This is sheer spite, nothing more. "Those damn taxpayers, makin' us go home without pay, we'll show them."

    This simply illustrates the depths to which our servants who think themselves our betters have fallen. Time to replace them all.

  16. Ms. Joffe is either using a really old picture on her bio page, or she was in utero/in diapers when the things to which she alludes happened.

    I *do* expect someone who was *born* in Russia and speaks fluent Russian, not to mention attending Columbia, and working for major publications other than TNR, to know modern Russian history - and who shot first in the abortive 1990 coup - a little better than this article implies.

    I suspect two things are at work here: one, someone steeped in Russian culture is much more comfortable with the strongman and his personality cult - especially if the strongman is one she likes - than a native-born American would be; and two, the mailed fist of the State's power is sooo much more attractive to hypocrites (of *any* ideological persuasion) when said hypocrite *likes* the people weilding it.

    Failing to provide free birth control is a "war on women", but unleashing the Cossacks on the majority in the People's House is the way to resolve a parliamentary crisis. Thanks for clearing that up, Julia, and for giving us a peek in to the darker recesses of the Leftist mind. (It's actually refreshing to see the true colors for once; Western liberals are so consistently anti-military, they've clearly forgotten that "The Army is the Guardian of the Party".)

    Be careful what you wish for, devochka, revolutions seldom turn out the way you want them two. The land of your birth has had two in the 20th century. How'd that work out?

  17. "victory dump in a freedom hole!"

    *bows to that one*

    Well played, good sir!

  18. I would rather crap in a foxhole and sleep in a poncho than continue to put up with this administrations B.S.

  19. Gerry: It was even worse than that.

    Boris talked the guys in the tanks into turning their guns around.

    And later that night those same tanks slaughtered and routed attacking KGB units that tried to take the building back.

    Hey hippie: Don't assume those men in the tanks are going to shoot up the people you want them to.

  20. Without sounding too cranky, that photograph is of an armored personnel carrier, not a tank. Note the firing ports and the small diameter of the turret mounted gun.

  21. Ed said...
    "Without sounding too cranky, that photograph is of an armored personnel carrier, not a tank. Note the firing ports and the small diameter of the turret mounted gun."

    There is always that one guy who just can't resist the urge...

  22. Um, didn't the people doing the closing of the park work for the government? I mean, if it is all shut down, why are the park closers still working?

  23. Staghounds: There will always be funding for President Caligula's Praetorians.


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