Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Overheard in the Hallway...

TV Announcer: "It's Day Eight of the Government Shutdown, and lawmakers still haven't reached a solution..."

Me: "Don't rush 'em!"

RX: "I'm having too much fun coining my own money and running around tearing the tags off mattresses."
(Yes, you could hear the capital letters in the newsbot's tone of voice.)


  1. Tam- I'm an old friend of your late nephew's (Phil Jr), and I've just discovered he died in May after looking him up upon discovering his phone was permanently disconnected after not hearing from him for months. If you have any information that you're comfortable sharing, could you? I have no other way of contacting anyone, and have not been in touch with his family since high school. My name is Nichole, and Phil was my high school sweetheart. I had not spoken to him since sometime in April. He gave me a link to your blog last fall. I'm a little shocked & quite heartbroken.

  2. You can depend on TV to reduce even the most significant of issues to a horse race. Whats behind all this, why both sides are adamant about not doing what only one side is called on not doing, deeper issues, long-term consequences, these are about as relevant to the news-readers as color to a person who has been blind from birth.

    "Vote Republican. At least get the news media back to work."

  3. Isn't tearing the tag off a mattress a felony?

  4. Now you have to rebroadcast Major League Baseball games with just implied oral consent!

  5. Oh, but the mattress police where deemed essential. You should be hearing a knock any minute...since the worthless cops are all up in everyone's jammies showing how important they are.

    Whatta crock.

  6. nobody dickinson,


    I will email you as soon as I'm someplace that is not an airport lounge.

  7. I just spotted this on MetaFilter and thought it to be more useful here:

    "Investment advice for this possible time of trouble:
    Rail based transportation. But you need the tar, feathers and some rope to tie 'em to the rails so they can be run outta town."

    (stolen from "rough ashlar")

  8. JohninMd.(too late?!??)6:35 PM, October 09, 2013

    Tam, have you heard anything on NICS shutting down? Right now it's rumint, source below....

  9. I'm quite sad NICS hasn't been shut down already. Great place for the Cato Institute to start a solid lawsuit against the entire federal government for infringing on the rights of citizens and win it. Hence why I don't expect NICS to be shut down anytime soon.


  10. NCIS is still running, although background checks for firearms sales are spending a lot of time on hold, and getting a lot of "delay" results.

  11. NICS, in the right-infringement department, is a Catch-22 the way the law on the books currently stands.

    NCIS, OTOH, is in fact still running. Gibbs and the guys are still on the job without Ziva.

  12. All y'all do know that consumers are legally permitted to remove those mattress tags?

  13. Is it a bad sign when I'm already becoming jaded about the US politicians playing chicken race with the global economy?

    WV: pervert...


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