Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By...

Sorry folks, I'm fresh out of stuff. I'm going to go watch the Today show and see if I can get spun up enough about some news item to write about it.


  1. How about commenting on the government going over the fiscal cliff? It's official, the state is currently insolvent.

    Think what you will of obamacare, but what the republitards* in congress are doing is extremely stupid.

    *a term I don't normally use but is very apt atm.

  2. @Mikael

    They have an ability to do otherwise?

  3. Who actually know wtf the congress is doing.

    What they are fight over is not shutting down the government, it is whether the government can borrow more money TO PAY THE DAILY COVER.

    I say shut them down.

    If you are watch TV and don't pop a blood vessel I want some of your med's there TAM.

  4. Paul, actually that's what the republican congresscritters are holding hostage, their goal is to remove/defund obamacare, basically at gunpoint, although the gun is held to the economy.

    I'm not surprised that some are calling it economic terrorism, if the shoe fits...

    I'm painfully aware the US government needs to drastically cut back on spending, but going cold turkey and pulling a Detroit is not the best way to do it.

  5. Mikael: The house offered a CR with a one year delay in Obamacare.

    Reid shut the government down in retaliation.

    The shoe doesn't fit. The press is trying to force the shoe on with a hydraulic press.

  6. Both sides are temper tantruming really. This is the 45th failed attempt to shutdown obamacare btw.

  7. Mikael, first off, that 45 number is a media myth. But more importantly, so what? The Democrats never stop pushing socialism and ever bigger government, no matter how many times they are rebuffed. This feels like sauce for the gander to me.

  8. I do not want anyone making me pay for some one else's procedure at the point of a gun.

    EMTALA is more about what is wrong with health care in this country anyway.

    This is the same thing that prompted Davy Crockett to head for Texas.

  9. Stop watching that show, it might be bad for your teeth or something. Or it might just be bad, all on its lonesome.


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