Tuesday, October 29, 2013

That's not how you spell "condolences".

Thanks to the president, the Unc clan lost their health care policy that the president said they weren't going to lose and so they had to scramble for another one. A commenter replied:
Obamacare was the catalyst in this case, but you realize that could have happened at any time, for any reason, even without Obamacare, right?
“Sure, it was Guido that broke your kneecap, but you realize that your kneecap could have gotten broken at any time, even if Guido hadn’t dropped by, right?” 

Hey, you’d make an AWESOME bereavement counselor, dude!


  1. There's always one of "those" trolls around...

  2. In the same category as the: "it could be worse" defense. Uttered when someone has nothing useful to add, or when the conversation is going in an uncomfortable direction.

    It could be worse, it could have been a republican in office - that would have made the same result much worse.

    Sounds a bit like a guilty conscience to me. "well my intentions were good..."

  3. He must owe that point he's trying to miss a lot of money.

    Mike James

  4. The wife checked on the offered plans. Anywhere from double to triple the current monthly rate and a $12,000 deductible. And because we're so rollin' in the clover living paycheck to paycheck - no subsidy.
    "Sticker shock" doesn't even begin to cover the pissedoffness.

  5. Hah. I knew before I went who it was.

  6. Sure, if it wasn't Obamacare, it could have been some other over-reaching federal medical regulation, at any time.

    With so many changes at once, someone claiming that the potential negative effects of these changes would be minimal, easily understood, and controlled defies imagination.

  7. It was Obamacare's restrictive definition of "current policy" and Obamacare's perverse incentives for employers that caused the cancellation and Obamacare's mandates on covered services that makes the policies so expensive.

  8. Beyond the pale. If you have nothing good to say, shut the f up.

  9. One of the faithful defending the lightbringer out here on the fringes.
    Make me want to hear my old friends Mom say "Bless his heart"

  10. I thought I knew exactly what economically illiterate asshole blog troll left that comment, and I was right!

  11. True, you could have randomly lost insurance (rather than just a rate hike) before. It's not impossible.

    But it was so rare as to be not worth mentioning, and not in the face of an assurance by the cause that "this will not happen".

    That matters a lot, eh?


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