Sunday, October 20, 2013

The grumble box...

Meet The Press this morning had some stuff on Iran and an interview with Netanyahu, but the majority of the program was a sack dance celebrating the GOP blinking.

Republican friends like to sneer that Obama plays checkers instead of chess at politics, but if that's the case then the national GOP leadership is playing Tic-Tac-Toe, and that not very well. Once both oncoming cars veered into the turn lane, I don't see how anybody thought this game of chicken would have a different ending:
  • The Democrat base still think the GOP are an out-of-touch sack of bastards.

  • The GOP base still think the party's national leadership are a bunch of milquetoast surrender monkeys and collaborators.

  • The non-ideological middle, thanks to the blatant collusion of the Democrat party's all-but-official mouthpieces at ABCNNBCBS, now think the GOP is a pack of rabid ideological frothing teabagging poopie-heads. And racists, somehow, probably.
I keep fiddling with the antenna and trying to get it to pick up signals from the dimension I'm in and not planet Manhattan and its little moon colony on the Potomac, but to no avail.


  1. So the people are pretty accurately informed.

  2. This morning I've been informed that those of us of the Denver tribe are supposed to despise those of you of the Indiannapolis tribe (despite the fact that both tribes worship horse totems) because you threw out your great chief and we took him in.

  3. If Peyton Manning were to casually announce that he'd kinda like to be mayor of Indianapolis, he would be carried into the city-county building on the shoulders of an adoring throng and the only moderately popular Ballard would be defenestrated.

  4. I'd stuff Peyton into a FedEx box for you for a small fee happily.

  5. Good luck with that antenna.
    There is no other universe beyond Bloombama.

  6. My friends in the leftosphere continue to marvel at Barry’s skill in 3-D chess.

    In space there is no “up”, but it seems there’s another universe to the left of Manahattan.

  7. As for Obama's "3D Chess", consider this in light of the ins exchange website debacle - Obama is now on record as preferring shutting down gubmint over delaying Obamacare.

    He "won" his game of chicken but his foot is floorboarding the car while aimed at the brick wall.

  8. And after impact they'll praise his driving prowess while condemning the evil tea-party bricks for interfering with the drive that people overwhelming support.

  9. Meanwhile, in newsrooms all over the country, they're polishing up the articles that explain how "Evil Republicans" are totally responsible for the catastrophic failure of the Affordable Care Act!

  10. The last time the non-ideological middle thought the GOP was a pack of rabid anythings, we got GW Bush. And before that, Reagan won when the GOP was depicted as the reincarnation of Goldwater, but with more nukes to launch 5 minutes after getting in office.

    I'd say being the rabid ideological frothing teabag poopie-head party is the way to go.


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