Thursday, October 03, 2013

What narrative?

Tell Truth and Facts to shelter in place, there's fragments of narrative ricocheting off every microphone out there!


  1. Shut up and keep you head down!

    I'm still dealing with these VC that have penetrated the US embassy in Saigon!

  2. It appears that way because either they are in a hurry to get 'on-the-air', regardless of the facts, or, they make it up as they go along.

    Or both.


  3. Thank you Tam! I needed a good laugh.

  4. This sort of senseless car violence will not cease until we have common sense -- common sense! -- car regulation. For example, you may not know that a felon can buy a deadly assault car on the internet without any sort of background check! Even now, in cities all across America, unregulated "private" car dealers are selling cut-rate vehicles out of shady back yard dealerships, some which have already been involved in violent car accidents.

    And yet we are letting those same cars back out on the street, perpetuating the cycle of violence. This is common sense, people. How many children have to die?

  5. Tasso,

    "What are 'Words you'll never hear Diane Feinstein Say', Alex?"

  6. Wasn't white or (likely) a Tea Party kind of person either....

  7. Given their track record I think we should give the media a pat on the head for at least getting the city right.

    Then gently wipe the drool from their chin and steer them back to the blocks and Fisher-Price kitchen.


  8. There were "crazed gunmen" alright...the cops.

  9. Anon: Am SUV packs far more footpounds than a mere rifle.

    That patrol car she hit looked like a pretzel once she was done with it.

    Yes, they shot her. I would have as well.


  10. That patrol car she hit looked like a pretzel once she was done with it.

    don't think the pretzel was one she hit, the Daily Mail has a vid of its driver failing to negotiate a barricade in his haste to get on scene

  11. Kristophr

    I think if you check "that patrol car ... pretzel" was caused by its driver hitting a deploying barrier in his haste to pursue.

    Tough as they are, that SUV looks remarkably undamaged despite supposedly "ramming" a barrier and multiple vehicles (call me pedantic if you wish but 'ramming' brings up images of totalled vehicles and radiator fluid spraying, not a slightly scratched bumper/fender).

    As everyone else here I know nothing about what 'actually' happened or why. Was it an accident followed by irrational panic? Was it an attack/demonstration/stunt?

    Can we wait to find out some facts before justifying the shooting of woman allegedly suffering from post-partum depression following a blameless, law-abiding and productive life?

  12. Able,

    SUV? She was driving a Nissan saloon.

    1. Had to be an SUV. Don't you know that all SUV's are evil and are just waiting to spring a deadly attack on the angelic Prius and enviromental loving Democrats everywhere. The narrative demands its an SUV.

  13. That could have been my daughter! Oh no wait, it couldn't.

  14. Kristophr,

    Always a good idea to have some idea what you're talking about before you talk about it.

    As others have said, the cop car was shown hauling ass down a street all by itself and nailed a barrier, but somehow that's the woman's fault, and the injured cop's a hero.

    Another vid shows the woman taking off from a cop stop (yeah, she was driving like a maniac but the cops got out of the way and she didn't hit anybody), and the cops respond with a hail of fire at a car they know has an innocent baby in it, and those rounds were far more likely to hit/kill bystanders than to stop that car. The damn place is a maze; she couldn't go far without getting penned in by cop cars (which is what ultimately happened). Then they throw up another lead barrage, this time taking her out, this time maybe justified, but the chances of innocents being shot was still huge.

    One of the worst examples of cop work I've seen, and why? Because of a possible threat to Very Important People. Do you think the scenario would have played out the same if the nutjob was on the streets of Yourtown USA? Anon.

  15. "As others have said, the cop car was shown hauling ass down a street all by itself and nailed a barrier, but somehow that's the woman's fault, and the injured cop's a hero."

    Would the cop have hit the barrier if the woman had not been playing Death Race 2000 at 80mph dowen Pennsylvania Avenue? That's pretty basic liability. You start the bar fight, you buy everything that gets broke.

  16. Will note the respondents also seem to be ignoring the USSS uniformed guard she bunted with her bumper back at the WH to open the ball.

    Discussions like this always let you know who got swirlies from the kid who grew up to be a county cop...

  17. Hmmm ... I didn't grow up to be a cop, and I did get the swirlies until I got big enough to throw the swirlers around and break them.

    I guess I'm just weird.

    I did grow up to be am evil gun vendor, though.

    And yea, Anon, I should have followed the 48 hour rule, and waited for the newsies to stop making up crap.

  18. "an evil gun vendor" ... gah ...

    I blame Apple. I learned to touchtype on an old Mac, with tits on the D and K keys ....

  19. "You start the bar fight, you buy everything that gets broke."

    She bought it alright, and (probably) justifiably.

    But by that logic, every attempt-to-elude that results in a cop car crackup -which happens every day in a city near you- would then result in attempt manslaughter, and that ain't what happens.

    The cop was responding full code, doing his job, but doing it badly. Cause/effect? Of course. But quite indirectly; the mistake that Kristophr made was believing the MSM captions and the pic of the squad car were directly related, which of course was their intent.

    And if commenting on cops doing their job badly is indicative of a cop-hater resulting from being noogied, you wouldn't have all that purty silky red on your head.

  20. Well, -chaz-, your ramblings are very insightful except for the part where they ignore that the whole thing started with her bunting the USSS officer at the WH gate.

    Start the Mayberry pursuit above by hitting Andy with your Mercedes and see if Barney doesn't put a few through your windshield.

  21. Captain Pedant pontificates: It would have had to have been after the episode where Barney shoots the bankrobber. He only got to have one bullet in his pocket before that. Heh.

    Oh, and it does look like those anti-truckbomb barriers do work rather well ....

  22. I like to eat my poo.


  23. I mean, it really gets so lonely manning the counter here in my son's pawnshop that all I can do is compulsively troll your blog and fantasize about eating my poo.

    Al Terego

  24. CAR legislation? I think not...

    As Moms Demand Action said, going off half cocked yet again, 'Moms must demand action.' (They seem to be a little stuck for rhetoric.)

    The issue here clearly isn't the car, which is an inanimate object, clearly blameless. The issue here is clearly with the driver, who like many others of that ilk is faced with high stress, long hours, little oversight, and no limits on their behaviors. Today's events showed clearly that there are no limits to what they might do.

    We need to limit the damage such people can do. Despite the gangsters in such rogue groups as MADD, and, yes, Moms Demand Action, it's time that Americans took the necessary steps. We have to stop the madness of Concealed Moms, High-Capacity Moms, and especially Assault Moms such as were deployed today in our Nations' Capitol.

    It's time for Mom Control Legislation.

  25. It's hard to think about eating my poo while typing one-handed.


  26. So I asked my doctor "Is there anything wrong with this compulsion?" and he said that there wasn't, as long as I could resist doxxing myself...

    But it gets so _hard_ sometimes. Sometimes I feel compelled to drag my kids into this petty internet vendetta I've dreamed up, too.


  27. Don't forget Moms Demand More Action, MDMA, perhaps the most frightening group of all.

  28. All those other people kicked me off their blogs because they said I kept getting entitled and bossy. What did they know? Nobody would come read my poetic musings at MY blog, and the internet OWES me a sounding board!

    I know you asked me to stop commenting but I just CAN'T! You have to see how important my words are for everybody to hear! That's why I don't take it to email, princess: You OWE me! The world OWES me!

    Just don't have everybody call my kid's pawn shop to bitch. That would be entitled and low.


  29. ( snicker )

    Tam broke out the moderator's atomic bomb ...

  30. Tam

    What SUV - Yes, I know it was supposed to be 'SUV', as in my ineffectual attempt at sarcasm (I may not be very good at much, but I'm an Olympic class ineffectualist).

    Proof-reading? Damn, next you'll be expecting me to think about what I say first.

  31. I've come to the conclusion that "Shelter in Place" is Government speak for "Hide and Die". Plus the position you're assuming makes it easier to kiss your ass goodbye.

    What they need is a "Surge and Slaughter" policy. When cracker-equipped, cheese deprived, half the lights burned out in his/her chandelier crazy comes bursting through the door, those behind the door re-enact a medieval siege and bombard the individual before getting on top of them and tearing them limb-from-limb.

    Admittedly, it increases the government's cost by an enlarged carpet cleaning bill (tough to get bloodstains the size of a pizza out of Berber) but the saving offsets due to the lack of need for lifetime care-and-feeding in the hamster cage that masquerades as a prison system more than makes up for it.


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