Monday, November 11, 2013

A flare for the dramatic...

The headline reads "Walkerton man injured using a grenade launcher" but reading the story itself, I'm thinking it was one of those 37mm flare launchers. I checked at INGO, but they don't have any news yet other than links to the AP wire story.

Anyway, apparently the illumination round detonated in the tube and messed the guy up.

Makes a .40 cal Glock kaBOOM! seem a little passé by comparison, though, doesn't it?


  1. Tam this sounds an awful lot like one of the WW-2 thru Vietnam war Rifle grenade flares that have been selling all up and down the interweb. They are made to shoot off the M-1903/M-1 Garand grenade launchers. I remember a few months back somebody in one of the chat rooms asking if it would launch/ ignite from an AR-15 flash suppressor using a standard 5.56 blank -I'd guess THAT didn't work.---Ray


  3. I was figuring "Home-made Rifle Grenade Mis-hap" ....


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