Friday, November 22, 2013

If his pants had been made of kerosene...

...the entire White House press corps would have died in the fire.
White House spokesman Jay Carney denied Friday that next year's midterm elections are the reason behind the administration's decision to postpone the 2014 opening date for 2015 enrollment in Obamacare -- from October 15 to November 15.
I was sitting at the hospital while they did whatever it was they were doing to Bobbi's mom, checking the oil in her bionic hip or something, when the waiting room TV played the clip of Carney prevaricating his ass off behind the podium and I just started cackling and cackling, heedless of the audience.

If I like this fib, Jay, can I keep it?


  1. Baghdad Bob laughs at Jay Carney!


  2. What, did they pre-empt "The View" to broadcast that fool? The only thing I've seen on Teewees in "public" waiting areas are Oprah, "The View" and ESPN.

  3. Tam, Carney's cover lies are so big his pants could have been asbestos and still caught fire.

    Which causes me to think there needs to be a humorous tie-in to the Hunger Games movie...

  4. Gerry, I think B. Bob would be in awe.
    Carney is like a SuperHero to bull$#!+ers.

  5. Damn it Gerry, I was going to say...

    Oh hell. May as well close the comments on this one, Tam, there's nothing more to say about it.

  6. Fiftycal,

    I think it was on Fox News.

  7. They cooked the books on the last two elections, why stop now. The dems are like a dog to his vomit.

    Bring on the revolution because I want this shit settled so I can retire some day.

  8. How HOW? could you ignore the fact that it's the fiftieth FIFTIETH anniversary of that deadest of kennedys? The news has reported almost nothing else at 7 1/2 minute intervals all day long. You could at least post "California Uber Alles" or "Holiday In Cambodia"

  9. I wonder what Jay will do once the Saddam statue gets pulled down outside the hotel window?

  10. You could at least post "California Uber Alles" or "Holiday In Cambodia"

    "Chicago uber alles" would seem more appropriate.

  11. Every time I think my life sucks, I pause and reflect how happy I am that I'm not Jay Carney and I don't have to look at that lying face in the mirror first thing every morning.

    (ZOMG! You don't think he actually believes that stuff he's spewing, do you? That WOULD be sad.)

  12. "This is the most transparent administration in history."---Our Glorious Leader

    He's right. It's so easy to see through.


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