Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just because...

...I wanted to make a post at 9:10 on 11/12/13, that's all.

Carry on.


  1. Just because...

    ...I wanted to make a comment at 8:26 on 11/12/13, that's all.

    (just doesn't have the same .... flow, does it?)

    Carry on.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  2. Another one at 14:15?

  3. Well, in programming, that would be 13-11-12-09-10 (most significant to least). Which doesn't exactly line up.

    I'm afraid you have to wait for 9 minutes and 8 seconds after 10am on December 11th, 2013. Now that would be 13-12-11-10-09.08

  4. Good one,Tam.You're always thinkin'.

  5. It really doesn't take much to keep intelligent people entertained, does it?

    Rich In NC

  6. As obsessive as I am with numbers and patterns, I completely missed it. (Oddly enough, having a toddler is taking me away from my mild obsessive/compulsive disorder.)

  7. So.

    I guess the next significant event is:
    04:06:08 10/12/14 then?

  8. How many of us who made this post had it scheduled for the past year?

  9. That is so geeky it makes me fall in love a bit.

  10. Now do one about 1911s at 19:11. Please include prOn.

  11. I just realized -- Friday the 13th comes on Wednesday this month, and that is tomorrow!

  12. Who cares about Friday the 13th? The one you really gotta worry about is Wednesday the 9th.

  13. Mondays of any integral designation always get me down.

    Irrational Mondays make me crazy, too.

    Fractional Mondays I can handle.

  14. You've let Yog-Sothoth out.

    Hundreds of hobos and hippies will have to be sacrificed to get that damned thing back inside the Pentagon.

  15. Heh. How many of you think that food tastes better if microwaved a prime number of seconds?


    Trick question: everyone knows that food tastes best if microwaved a perfect-square number of seconds. Almost as good are things like 60 seconds, because it looks like a perfect square if entered as 1 minute, zero seconds. Same for 2:25 = 165 seconds but looks like 15^2 and so forth.


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