Saturday, November 16, 2013

Overheard in the Office...

Bobbi is apparently perusing my Facebook page...
RX: "Oh, Tamara likes Coldplay. That is so sad."

Me: "What? Why..."

RX: "Well, it's not like it's Nickelback, but it's still sad."

Me: "That's going on the internet."

RX: *walking out of the room* "Okay..."

Me: *yelling down the hall* "For some reason, me having my musical tastes accused of fuddy-duddiness by you is extremely disturbing!"


  1. I doubt your book of face timeline comes anywhere close to the lameness of mine. :)

  2. Never heard of those groups. Some kind of tween bands?

  3. You need one of those buttons that says, "I may be old, but I got to see all of the cool bands"...

  4. You old fuddy-duddy.

    Now, which folder did I put those mp3s of Glenn Miller tunes in...?

  5. That's the thing -- as far as I'm concerned, popular music when downhill after about 1946....

  6. I prefer Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and the like. Youngsters these days don't seem to understand what good music is.

  7. Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" made my local easy pop station.

    I like it. I tried to listen to a couple other Coldplay songs, I didn't find anything interesting.

    (I think the story of the song is about one of the European kings that didn't win in the Crusades, and lived on as a slave of the victors.)

    I don't bother watching the video, just listen.

    Now, the Lily Allen "Not Fair" video I like to watch. The drummer adds a bit of sexist subtext. The Porter Waggoner intro is cute.

    @ Drang,

    I have been humming "America Patrol" all this last week.

    I found a few years back that when working at 2 am, that the "Unforgettable Glenn Miller" CD is about the highest energy music around.

    Blessed be.

  8. It was all down hill after the 80's hair bands I tell you.

  9. >popular music when downhill after about 1946....

    I've always said that "If it's written after 1750 it's crap." Sometimes I actually mean it.

    Talking about being a fuddy duddy: I was buying some beer, among other things, at the grocery store self-checkout tonight. The beer's UPC triggered the "show your ID to the attendant" so I duly hauled out the driver's license and approached the clerk's station. Said clerk looked at me from about 50 feet away and loudly shouted, "No, I don't need to see your ID, you're okay!"

    Ouch! But a bottle of Shiner Bock (hey, this is my first time visiting Dallas) and most of a bottle of Shiner "Wild Hare" PA later I'm feeling much better.

  10. Sure theres some Coldplay on your list but theres probably also some Ministry, Front 242, Skinny Puppy and Einstursende Neubauten in there too...right next to the OMD ;-)

  11. I tried to translate Bob's comment to english but it just came back the same way....weird.

  12. I was proud of Coldplay when they played around with their most popular song as a salsa number.

    I never liked Nickelback, but I actually kinda like Coldplay.

  13. I only heard a couple of Nickelback songs. Do they really suck that bad? Or is it reflexive fashion to bash them? With rare exceptions my tastes are everything immediately prior to rap and Metallica.

  14. @ John B

    Nickleback is notorious for basically playing the same song all the time while changing the lyrics. If you've heard their song "How You Remind Me", you've basically heard their entire catalog near as I can tell.

    And my preferred taste in music along the lines of Iced Earth, Kamelot, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Grave Digger, etc.


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