Sunday, November 17, 2013

Squirm, Nancy, squirm!

Meet the Press is just a delicious heaping bowl of schadenfreude this morning.

Pelosi has apparently been pushed onto the grenade with orders to obfuscate, deny, and distract. I have never seen more furious turd polishing in my life. Even the normally reliable David Gregory smells blood in the water.

This one interview is a rich enough vein of stammering excuses and bald-faced denial that GOP campaign managers across the land are probably decorating their cupcakes at the thought of mining it for commercial soundbites. 


  1. It's FUN to watch the wicked witch of the West try to lie her way out... Unsuccessfully of course... :-)

  2. Remember "We must pass it to find out what's in it"? Turns out that it really was a stool sample she was talking about.

    D. Whitis

  3. Own it, Nancy. That video of her parading with that big gavel should be played every time she goes on TV to try to spin this

  4. This almost makes me upset I don't have a TV. Well, don't have a TV tuner, to be more precise, I think. In this future I live in, I think I can have a TV without having a TV. Is a Roku TV?

  5. Thank you once again for watching the dreck so the rest of don't have to.

  6. The good news (for the dems) is that she could be televised going to bed with a live boy AND a dead girl and the republicans would still either fumble the chance idiotically or win and then rename it "McCainCare" or something as if it was their own happy idea.

    Or both. Both is not out of the question. It's like watching the Detroit Lions play the Detroit Lions. The worst part is that they can't both lose.

  7. I can't relate how entertaining it was to read the title of your post.

    I was a little disappointed it was only a television grilling and hoping for more.

  8. I had to quit watching those three ring circus shows as they are there simply to test out talking points for the coming week.

  9. GOP consultants are just thinking about all the money they'll make turning this into another loss for the GOP.

  10. GOP campaign managers decorating cupcakes? I can see the Taxed Enough Already types doing the baking, and the country club pukes demanding credit for it or else they won't eat any. There are too many GOPers who buy into accusations of incivility from the worst sort of gutter scum, and expect a halo for refusing to engage.

    Well, that metaphor won't wake up, so I will get another one and hug it and pet it and squeeze it and call it George--in the face of the GOP's opponents, you can be the Finns or you can be the Swedes. People respect and are awed by Simo Häyhä or Ilmari Juutilainen. Just sayin'.

    Mike James

  11. Well, a major legislative catastrophe by the Democrats that the GOP could capitalize upon only means one thing: expect the Dems to dust off gun control to distract everybody. Not because they think they can get it, but because it will whip up a good righteous fervor again, it will fail, and by the time the dust settles the Obamacare debacle will have been forgotten.

  12. The GOP doesn't have a clue. Instead of piling on the Obamacare fiasco, the offered WEEKS of cover via government shut-downs and the like. (All to be repeated as soon as the holiday madness passes.)

  13. My brother-in-law pointed out Nancy's squirmfest and his proscist buddies told him she was better than Rand Paul or Sarah Palin.
    Even in their faces, the truth isn't really true.

  14. What does Pelosi have to worry about? Personally, she's got nearly ironclad job security unless somebody reanimates V.I. Lenin and runs him in SF.

  15. Well, I, for one, thought that she looked very smart in her new suit.


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