Monday, November 04, 2013

Technical difficulties, please stand by...

Posting this from the waiting room of the hospital. Roomie's mom took a fall. More later.

ETA: We're back home now. Her mom's resting at the hospital and getting the full sensor scan and is probably going to be there long enough to get some yummy hospital chow. Preliminary report is that it looks like she dislocated her bionic hip. Whether this is a result of the spill or what precipitated it remains unknown.

ETA: ...and reports now are that there might be some broken bones.


  1. Prayers for roomie's mom and all of you!


  2. Thoughts and prayers as always. Whatever the causality, I hope it is resolved and she is home eating normal food soonest. I sometimes think they make that food just so the patient has motivation to bail asap.

  3. Prayers for all of you, especially Mom. Hope the chow doesn't do more harm!!!

  4. Prayers for her doctors too that they're guided to make the right decisions for her care.

  5. Nothing worse than having "mom" in the hospital. Prayers for all...

  6. Well, crap. Mine was just a nasty sprain, and it's still being a pain(literally).

    Best wishes to her

  7. Oooh, sorry to hear that. Hope she mends soon and well. If she's abed for any length of time make sure the docs are on the ball about DVT (deep vein thrombosis) prophylaxis.

  8. Prayers go out for her soon recovery. That is probably in my future, bionic hip, but I am of two minds on the subject as yet.

  9. Traditionally, it was thought that the elderly were breaking bone from impact with the floor after falling. New thinking is it might be the other way around ie: bone breaks, causing the fall, due to osteoporosis or similar brittle bone conditions.

    Prayers said

  10. Hoping for the best outcome and speedy recovery.

  11. Sound's kind of scary, sure hope she has a good recovery.

  12. Will sacrifice a Liberal to the Medical gods in her name.

  13. Stretch: Nowadays, with the economy and inflation what they are, you need a Liberal AND two hippies.

  14. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery...

  15. YIKES! More prayers en route...


  16. "New thinking is it might be the other way around ie: bone breaks, causing the fall, due to osteoporosis or similar brittle bone conditions."

    Not especially new- Old Timer teaching me in EMT skool told me this, and had been telling others this for a long while and that was 1/2 a decade ago.....

    Hope Ma gets better ....

  17. Best wishes and prayers your way. Take care of Roberta and yourself as well, this kinda thing has a tendency to be hard on the support team.

  18. Best wishes for a quick recovery!

    Ulises from CA

  19. General anesthetic is not your friend.


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