Monday, November 25, 2013

That time of year again...

In the twenties and bone-creaking dry out there, because any water in the air would get hard and fall on the ground.

I think it's pretty much a given that every morning for the next couple months is going to be a festival of low-level aches and pains in all my joints until my oil gets up to operating temperature.


  1. Tell me about it. 23 degrees here and my knee is going "Hey! Remember me? I'm going to be causing you a lot of pain for the next few months."

  2. We should talk about the Arthritis Foundation classes my wife runs in the 85 degree pool in her 90 degree pool room at the JCC.

    I keep telling her that she should simply imagine the snow outside the windows as a white sand beach. For some reason she throws things at me when I say that.

  3. I bought a hygrometer earlier this year to sit atop my gun safe in the basement.

    I run a dehumidifier down there.

    Yesterday it was showing a RH in the upper 20% range.

  4. It's in the 20s here this morning, downright balmy compared to the weekend.

  5. I found that the cold isn't as bad once all the moisture falls out of the air (somewhere in the teens). Wet cold sucks so much worse.

  6. I feel your pain. I've been creaky and curmudgeonly for the past few days, and that probably won't end until about April.

  7. I should have stock in ibuprophen I take so much this time of the year. It's heck getting old...and cold...

    I've worked outside in -20 degree weather and laughed it off. Dis old man isn't laughing any more, let me tell yah...

  8. I might be a little young for the aches-and-pains thing, but my Texan body chooses to respond to the winters up here in Michigan with pneumonia. Not fun.

    Much as I try, understanding why some people actually like this cold, dead, Godforsaken season we call "winter" still escapes me.

  9. When I was in my 20's my grandfather told me that getting old wasn't for wimps. I didn't understand what he meant until I hit my 40's and started waking up with my knees screaming bloody murder.

  10. Yup. My 87 year old mom says the same thing. "Growing old is not for wimps." She remarried 5 years ago after being a widow for 30 years. Still lives in a regular house, cooks their meals. Needs supplemental oxygen and a walker for balance but still hanging in there.

    Regardless of good genes, the aches and pains of getting old still suck. Not a fan of the cold, either. Did Omaha, Rapid City and Minot in the Air Force and swore I'd never go back anywhere that cold. Kind of ironic since I voted for Idaho for the Citadel. Ah well, there are always tradeoffs in life.

    VJ, IIICitadel

  11. I got both knees, both hips, and a shoulder injected two weeks ago yesterday. I'm still waiting for that cortisone to start working.


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