Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"...the verbal equivalent of guest towels."

(The coiffure and spray tan act as lures for ambulances, which they then chase down and suck the misery out of.)


  1. Forget it Jake, it's Chi-town.

  2. Is it bad that I read VFTP for the vocab lessons? BTW, I had to Google integument, as well.

  3. Gollum always has to have someone to blame. Wisconson is too far north but you can be in Indiana 15 minutes from Chicago. it has to be our fault. Because we're too free here, and that must be stopped.

  4. Rahm only got Chicago.

    His equally nasty contemporary from the Clinton BJ scandal, Terry, got the entire state of Viginny.

    How and why these obviously competent but also obviously vile individuals attract supporters amazes me.

    This political success looks to me like having Haldeman and Mitchell win elections after Nixon's pardon by Ford.

    At least some of the time the Repubs recognize and ostracize their in-house CREEPers.

  5. Man can't even be Original. He's using Mickey Bloomberg's Old Excuse about Virginia feeding all those Firearms up to Times Square.

  6. Integument. I love it when you channel William F. Buckley.

  7. I only remember "integument" because of that sequel to Hunters of the Red Moon and OMG I'm awfully close to the bathtub drain and everything is so spinny!

  8. Do you think Boehner and Rahm use the same tanning service?

  9. I'm with you on the Rahm POV, but oh my how full of yourself you are. Your pillow must be HUGE.

  10. Obviously.

    People who use them fancy words always just think they're better'n everbody else.


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