Saturday, November 23, 2013

You have got to be kidding me.

"Okay, see, Randy Beaman was at Los Angeles Airport, and he heard this really loud noise, like, and then he saw somebody with something in their hands and he thought it might be a gun, right? And so they evacuated half the airport and cops ran around pointing their guns at the rest. Okay, bye."
Jesus wept, this country has lost its collective mind. Somebody pops a paper bag or a tractor backfires or someone drops a phone book and the next thing you know people are spotting tangoes behind every trash can and dialing 911, leading to Reed and Malloy running around muzzling half of LAX with their patrol carbines like they're in a bazaar in Kandahar where a truck bomb just went off.


  1. There was also this recently.

    You know, as Phssthpok pointed out over at Roberta's, cases like these seem to be an ideal application for the whole "(Falsely) Yelling Fire in Crowded Theater."

    Or is it okay because Suspicion Builds Confidence and if you See Something Say Something?

  2. When rules and regulations infantilize you by forbidding you from taking care of yourself than, like an infant, when startled you will cry, "Mommy." These are adults who have been conditioned to look to mommy because they cannot or will not do anything else.

    Thank goodness there wasn't anyone walking around with a folded up apron or something. The carnage could have been incredible.

  3. You must remember that some with vivid imaginations thought the movie "Monsters Inc" was a documentary or "based on a true story".

  4. "Bomb in airport" note in the Birmingham Al. airport got the place shut down for half a day.

    They have gone from bloodless victories like the liquid bomb conversations to almost effortless ones.

    Allah is truly Akhbar.

  5. If the true object of terrorism is to change the way we think and act the terrorists have won...

  6. All I know is that if I've already gotten through the eternal lines at security and am waiting to board my plane, they'd better not evacuate the terminal and make me miss my flight for any less than at least three dead bodies.

    And I don't mean two stiffs and one expectant; I don't want them scrubbing my vacation for a routine double homicide.

  7. If I could I'd arrange loud noises at random intervals at big airports in leftist paradises like NYC, Chicago, LA and SF.

  8. "My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pull out a gun at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."


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