Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Get 'em started young...

Also from the design exhibit at the IMA, here's a great dresser for the kid's room...
...at least if you want your kid to grow up to be Hunter S. Thompson. (And who wouldn't, really?)


  1. um...because he committed suicide young?

  2. Good old HST... a flaming lefty pinko commie, but a hell of a writer and probably tops the list of "Best People to Take a Road Trip With"

  3. “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.”

    -Hunter Stockton Thompson

    Also I don't know if I could call him a "flaming lefty pinko commie". He supported flaming lefty pinko commies and some of their ideals, but as soon as it became remotely main stream he turned on it.

    He was more of an Anarcho-Hipster if you ask me.

    Hell the man was the biggest advocate of George McGovern, until he got the nomination then he was his biggest detractor.

    I don't know if Thompson's suicide causes me as much pain as the fact that he really peaked with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and then slowly spiraled from there.

  4. Neat! Sort of Hundertwasser meets Hunter Thompson under the influence of Stan Lee.

  5. Remember, kids, READING a well written description of going to Vegas or reporting on McGovern's destruction by Nixon written by a drug addled anarchist is FUN.

    Being that person, or even being with that person, not so much fun.

    Unless you like the sudden smell of vomit, the likelihood of arrest, possible painful death, and social pariah status.

    If so, by all means go gonzo like Hunter did.


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