Friday, December 27, 2013


My homunculus is the one with the horns. It makes a goblin look taller.
Spent the afternoon of Christmas day hanging out virtually with the Atomic Nerds. My second level 90 character; a pretty big day for a relative WoW n00b!


  1. Congratulation. Now go and have fun @ Timeless Isle where you have equal chance of getting ganked by Horde and Alliance.

  2. Ehh, my MMO of choice is Star Trek: Online. There's just something about flying around in an Excelsior-class cruiser and ruining the days of various Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians that amuses me.

  3. RP server, BigFire. No ganking unless you flag yerself.

    Gratz on getting there, Tam. So when do you start tankin'? Tanking with a short character is fun ... people in raid chat keep yelling "Where is the damned tank?".

  4. Not pictured: me on my non-goblin muttering curses about having to walk to go find a gear supplier to fill in my offspec because I was two bars behind them...

    (Translate THAT, Google. Or just call the NSA, they can.)

  5. Shared this post with the Oyster Wife, who's now wandering around the house singing "I'm hittin' 90 for Christmas, all of my guildies are glad..."

    Grats, Tam! For the Horde!

  6. Not to brag, but I have 10 lvl 90's and am desperately trying to get my last non-90, an 86 shammy, to 90 so I'll be ready for the expansion.

  7. Yet another reason I find this place so educational: the erudite vocabulary. Having to look up "homunculus" turned out to be a wonderful almost hour of browsing.

    Fun afternoon. Thanks!


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