Saturday, December 28, 2013

Once again, life imitates The Onion...

In Our Dumb Century, Onion writers did spoof newspaper front pages from every year of the 20th Century. 1937's faux front page featured an adorable German cartoon character for der kinder, Kampfy the Uberhund, with his message that "turning in Jews is fun!"

You gotta get the kids when they're young, you know.

Fast forward seventy-some years and we've got a new creepy thing about which we need to make the young 'uns feel comfortable. We have to teach them when it's okay for them to let a strange grownup take their toys away, paw through their stuff, and touch their special area.

Understandably, after telling kids from the time they're old enough to parse English that they should run and scream if some stranger tries to touch them in their naughty places, it was time for the government to once again draw inspiration from the pages of The Onion.

Separated at birth?
 It's okay, kids: There's no stranger danger from Pervy Uncle Sam. You can always trust the government's cartoon dogs to tell you the truth.


  1. The one thing we can always rely on our government, whichever party is in power, is to be completely tone deaf.

    It's almost as if there's some ruling class entirely divorced from the people they govern.

  2. Welp, blood vessel pressure test passed. Barely.

  3. Love the way they mention "travel documents" instead of just "tickets". Means they won't have to re-do the video when the implement internal passports.

  4. Okay, the RCOB has passed and I'm now fit to type...

    In the span of a single generation we've gone from "Officer Friendly to "Uncle Sam the Kiddie-Diddler."

    al-Qaeda has won.


  5. "Gee, dad, this yellow badge the nice man in the blue gloves pinned on me is really cool."

    "Yes, Timmy. It helps keep us secure by identifying us from a distance. That way we won't have to worry about getting on the wrong train or plane."

    "Awesome, dad! But what does 'Juden' mean, anyway?"

    When I see something like this from the "hands of blue, two by two" crowd, I really wish that I had that calming-beep watch that Sheriff Buford T. Justice had to keep myself centered and quiet. Ohhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  6. I notice a couple of comments over on Say Uncle about how since there's not any actual butt fondling going on in the cartoon, what's the big deal?


  7. Honestly? I think my nephews would hear that as stop *scream* go, and would helpfully pause, scream their heads off, and then run off pretending to be airplanes.


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