Monday, December 16, 2013

QotD: Shoot Back, Dammit! Edition

Tim at Gun Nuts writes:
Unlike Newton, the intended slaughter of innocents at Arapahoe quickly turned into a gunfight. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: Any time an intended slaughter turns into a gunfight, the situation has improved dramatically. A guy bent on slaughtering the innocent who suddenly has to face incoming gunfire can’t get his murder on with anything near the level of efficiency he’d like. I don’t care how bent on destruction someone is, incoming gunfire has a way of grabbing your attention and screwing with your game plan.


  1. Yep.

    An Arapaho Co. Deputy ran to the sound of the shooting, and was there in 80 seconds.

    The nutter did what most active shooters do when violently opposed, and completely shut down. His immediate suicide was just a bonus.

  2. JohninMd.(too late?!??)11:59 AM, December 16, 2013

    And ain't it funny, how de media are kinda missing that whole " Good guy w/gun vs. Bad guy w/gun, stops murders" meme?

  3. Man, that Tim guy is really awesome. His boss should cut him a bigger check.

  4. Gunny Hartman was right all along:

  5. Cowards don't want a fight, they want victims. If they wanted a fight they would attack people at shooting ranges.

    Like John noted, the media is ignoring the reason it was ended so quickly. I guess they're just really busy or something.

  6. nutburgers always have a plan. they have lists and an agenda and they never have a back up plan. if caught in such a situation the first, best thing to do is disrupt their plan because they then will have no idea what to do. the best disruptor of such plans is a a good guy, or good girl, with a gun.

  7. Wait; this shooting turned into a gunfight? I can't find any mention that these deputies even knew where the shooter was until 20 minutes later, much less fired in him.

    Maybe the knowledge that help was coming made him commit suicide. Maybe. but a gunfight?

  8. As it should... and kudos to the officer who chose to close the fight rather than wait!

  9. OT Cthuken > turducken!/damana/status/412731578087788544

  10. Funny how these losers never try shooting up the doughnut shop across the street form the police station.

    As Dirty Harry Callahan says, a man's got to know his limitations.

  11. I'm going to add "Was awarded Quote of the Day by Tam" on my resume.


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