Friday, December 13, 2013

RCOB Moment.

The network morning show is in full wallow down the hall, with their Gucci hairshirt cosmetically daubed with the 364-day-old blood of dead children.

(The actual anniversary would be tomorrow, but ratings are better on a weekday. Also, there are college sports tomorrow.)

News trucks and reporters are descending on Newtown to exploit the almost-an-anniversary by interviewing residents about how they don't want news trucks and reporters descending on them to exploit the almost-an-anniversary.

Not one mention of the fact that not a single piece of antigun legislation proposed since then would have even slowed the killer down. Not a single mention of the fact that making a desperate loser the Single Most Talked About Person On The Television is only adding fuel to the fire of the next guy, who already has his spreadsheet laid out with the numbers to beat.

Hey, all you nobodies! Wanna bump Obama and Mandela right out of the headlines? Faux-emoting Matt Lauer is in the next room telling you how right now.


  1. And I bet all these, ahem, idiots on the tee-wee think the song "Dirty Laundry" is about _those other networks_. Because no one with a few screws loose or bad mental wiring would ever get the idea that they could have 15 min + an anniversary of fame from watching _this_ network.


  2. News trucks and reporters are descending on Newtown to exploit the almost-an-anniversary by interviewing residents about how they don't want news trucks and reporters descending on them to exploit the almost-an-anniversary.

    Ugh. The bastards did the same thing to us here at Virginia Tech. It certainly reinforced my distaste for the "news" media.

    A plague on all their houses!

  3. >Wanna bump Obama and Mandela right out of the headlines?

    Uh, no. The president or his minions have inserted him right in the middle of this as well. I thought the "Host a Newtown Anniversary Event" thing was a morbid joke or anti-Obama propaganda, but apparently not. A more readable version (that doesn't ask you to register) is here.

  4. Y'know, it's a rare day I want to see the police engage in an actual First Amendment violation, but damn it would have been glorious if the local police and sheriffs had just set up a blockade and turned all the newsies away at the edge of town.

    "Look, fuckin' sue us over it, I don't care. But you're not going to come in and harass the people of my town. Not this day."

  5. Love to be on that jury.

    "Clearly a Section 1983 violation.

    Here's your quarter."

  6. Fact! 50 years of gun control stemming from the JFK Assassination. If you can find a Mannlicher/Carcano Rifle -Just like Oswald's- you can still buy it through the mail!

  7. "(The actual anniversary would be tomorrow, but ratings are better on a weekday. Also, there are college sports tomorrow.)"

    And that, my friends, is exactly how much these people really care about the victims....

  8. Downright prescient, this post.


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