Monday, December 23, 2013

So... part of my quest to write posts that won't trigger butthurt by making a large chunk of my readership think I'm directly insulting them, let's talk about something different!

Puppies: Are they cute, or what?



  1. Which puppies do you suggest for home defense vs just walking around with

  2. Utter fail! You have ignored the cuteness of kittehs. Cat people will be at your door with torches and pitchforks - that is if they don't slip and break their necks on your unshoveled neighbor's sidewalk.

    stay safe.

  3. *Sigh*... first my ugly puppy chews the hell out of my Taurus that never malfed once ever, and now you're rubbing salt in the wound.

  4. Meh, your cat would eat you if it thought it could get away with it.

  5. Tam I think your holding that puppy wrong. Try holding it with the rear facing forwards so there will be less of a mess on you when it goes to condition brown.

  6. Darrell +1. I've already told my wife to make sure the cats are locked out of the room if I happen to die at home. I won't leave a beautiful corpse in any event, but I'll be damned if it will be cat-chewed to boot.

  7. Oh my gosh...I can't BELIEVE you said that. Puppies are SO messy. :-)

    Don't tell my dog I said that...even in jest...she won't understand.

  8. Dogs will not only crap where they eat, but they'll eat the crap, too.

    Although to be fair, Tier 1 military units the world over seem to prefer using dogs for such things as dogs are useful for. Are any Tier 1 units using cats?

    Sure we've never met, but I enjoy enough of your internet persona to understand that if you want to make fun of my doggy (who at 3 still looks like a puppy and seems to know it) then you've got a good reason, too...and I won't get butt-hurts because of it.

    Some folks are just way too invested in the significance of their arms, pets, cars, whatever, to handle it when someone else dares to disagree with their choices for such.

    Heck, I'd have cats, too, but I'm violently allergic to them. I wish sometimes I was allergic to certain firearms, as being so would sure save me some dough.

  9. Consider that butthurt may be what we come here for.

  10. I've heard that carrying puppies IWB can be hazardous, for obvious reasons, so I guess you'll have to recommend a good OWB puppy holster (with absorbent lining).

    Also, my puppy Glock can eat your puppy John Moses for breakfast! So there!

  11. UK Houston said "Consider that butthurt may be what we come here for."

    Abuse me! Tell me I'm not worthy!

  12. Large caliber puppies are hard to conceal.

    But pocket puppies make a mess.

    Any suggestions as to the best all around caliber of puppy?

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  13. If people are bitching at you, you're probably doing it right.

  14. That depends. Is it an approved tactical puppy or one of those Ruger mini puppies? They're cute and will do for a while, but everyone knows they'll crap out on you too soon. :D

  15. UK Houston,

    Not that there's anything wrong with that. :)

  16. I have butthurt but not because of anything posted here.

    It's because my 2003 Ram 4.7 probably needs a head gasket and I don't want to cough up the $300 in parts ($500 if I do the timing set while I'm in there).

    I also don't have a suitable spare vehicle to drive during the extended down time that comes with doing it myself.

    Maybe it will hold together long enough (only burns a little coolant on start up for now) for me to get the Alfa going again.

  17. An old Trooper told me once "if you haven't pissed off one person per day, you're not doing your job.". Isn't that why we luv ya? ;).

  18. Puppies are an Abomination unto Nuggan. As representative of the Borogravian Army, I find your comments in extremely poor taste.

    In all seriousness though, butthurt is like a gas. It expands to fill any available space, but really doesn't have any substance to it. I wouldn't worry about it. Anyone who gets butthurt instead of politefully disagreeing isn't worth the time.

  19. I've heard that carrying puppies IWB can be hazardous, for obvious reasons

    Could be worse: Try ferrets.

    From the article:
    "Come on, Reg," I said. "Do they bite your — you know?"

    "Do they!" he thundered with irritation as he pulled up his pants. "Why, I had 'em hangin' off me —"

    Reg stopped short because a woman who was with me, a London television reporter, had entered the cottage. I suddenly feared that I would never know from what the raging ferrets dangle. Reg offered my friend a chair with the considerable gallantry of a man who had served in the Queen's army for more than 20 years. Then he said to her, "Are ye cheeky, luv?"

    My friend looked confused.

    "Say yes," I hissed.


    "Why," Reg roared again, "I had 'em hangin' from me tool for hours an' hours an' hours! Two at a time — one on each side. I been swelled up big as that!" Reg pointed to a five-pound can of instant coffee.

  20. I don't know, seeing anonymous commenters tring to tell you/correct you on things that there isn't any possible way for you to not know is kind of entertaining to me. It's like they think you're a 15 year old from Manhattan who just suddenly found herself in Indiana.

  21. If you going to carry a puppy, carry a back up puppy. One is none, two is one.


  22. Dammit Tam, I'm not offended. I think you did that deliberately. To offend me.

  23. Tier 1 military units the world over seem to prefer using dogs for such things as dogs are useful for. Are any Tier 1 units using cats?
    No, but I hear that Rapid Tactical Forces at America's largest indoor retail shopping areas are looking for a few cool cats.

  24. That only works if you duct-tape the cat to your back. Otherwise, you're screwed.

  25. mariner said...

    No, but I hear that Rapid Tactical Forces at America's largest indoor retail shopping areas are looking for a few cool cats.

    That brings back some memories. Thanks for the laugh.

  26. I love puppies, but they have a problem with accidental discharges around new people. Even so, I'll take a happy, incontinent puppy over a perpetually bored, disinterested cat any day.

  27. "No, but I hear that Rapid Tactical Forces at America's largest indoor retail shopping areas are looking for a few cool cats"

    I do not consider myself all that plugged in to internet gun culture but am pleased I get this reference.

  28. What's your problem with the obvious superiority of a sloth for personal defense and everyday carry?

    The defensive odor emission alone is worth the looks from the gals, I say.

  29. Turn on fan.
    Throw puppy doo into fan.
    Close browser and go shopping.
    Clever, very clever.

  30. Nobody's made a puppy blender joke yet? That's almost depressing. What's happened to the Internet I used to know and love?

  31. i have a tactical assault cat. he's lean, black, sleek and stealthy. he isn't much use in the assault part unless one is wielding the can opener, in which case he gets down right aggressive.

  32. Black cats are so yesterday. You need one in FDE, dude.

    With a Magpul collar and a Knight's Armament litter box.

  33. Other people's puppies are, on the whole, adorable, yes.

  34. Puppies are cute and cats make great targets.

  35. Tpa Gunslinger,

    You're a dick.

  36. And I'm pretty sure he held it wrong.... :D

  37. Ummmm.... Sweater puppies. /bevis.

    There. It HAD to be said :P

  38. The cutest puppy ever:

    No, it's not spam.

  39. Nowhere near as cute as FedEx Froggies...

    Jus' sayin'...

  40. Not at all a cool thing to say to someone who like their cats.

    I don't talk about gratuitously shooting your companion animals.


  42. I sincerely apologize. I had no intention of insulting your pets. everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions however sick mine may be.
    I crossed the line. I am ashamed.
    Please forgive me?

  43. Pretty Please?
    I can understand if you need some time to mull it over.


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