Friday, December 13, 2013



  1. The joke's on the reporters; the truly sadistic lone gunman would call ALL the local networks and promise them ALL the scoop, just to watch the talking-heads arrive simultaneously and proceed to violently pull each others' hair out to get the "exclusive" report.

  2. The same scheisshirnen* who are surprised that September 11, 2012 had any significance to terrorists are also surprised that lone gunmen with festering souls seize on December 14th's in an effort to become the somebody their depraved hearts won't let them become by doing good things.

    *Sjit brains. I remember way back when Carter was still the worst President, I met students at my university who were communications majors. It was a new major, and I remember thinking they were intellectual lightweights. Dan Quayle, represented by Garry Trudeau by a feather would have been St. Thomas Aquinas by comparison. All wax, no Ferrari. I thought then, and think now, that the people who went into "communications" had nothing to actually say, and did not have the guts to go play pretend at community theaters as real actors do to learn the craft.

  3. If it bleeds, it leads.

  4. Paddy Chayefsky's "Network" was a documentary.

  5. "Media does everything but load the guns for 'em"

    Trying to visualize anyone at the Denver Pest actually knowing how to load a firearm.....

  6. A song about the Communications majors who could have been actors:


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