Thursday, December 05, 2013

There's the city and then there's the city.

My 'hood is in the circle.
According to the Indy Cat Box Liner's interactive murder map, we're on pace for a homicide-free 2013 here in our twee little hipster enclave on the north side. Let's keep it together here, Broad Ripple; we got this one in the bag if nobody loses it for another couple weeks.

(The joke here at Roseholme is when the TeeWee announcer mentions a murder, I pipe up with "At Thirty-Whatth and What?")

In other Indy crime news, turns out the dude they just caught who was involved with the brutal home takeover robberies/rape/murder just up the road a ways was out on probation for auto theft in another county. I'm pretty sure that kind of behavior is violating the terms of his probation.


  1. Who needs the klan when some groups just enjoy offing each other in gross lots! Would be a nice project to get the wayback in time machine and see what the stats looked like pre "war on poverty" and "war on some drugs".

  2. Clearly, the Zone To Be Avoided is pretty well known.

  3. looks like most places outside that interstate belt would be golden.

  4. If you're an Applebee's-American who doesn't mind driving past three miles of identical tract homes to buy your domestic beer from the chain store in the strip mall, they're absolutely golden. I'd go nuts.

    I'm going to either live in the city or someplace I can shoot in my back yard.

  5. Those two up near me are outliers, I think. Although I went back to 2006 and checked...and sure enough, there have been three murders on Century Circle since 2010. That's the same complex where the last major home invasion was up here a couple of months ago. What a shock.

    The area to avoid, though, is that east-west belt of gore that runs through the middle of town. Gee, I wonder who lives there.

  6. Tam,

    Re: "I'm going to either live in the city or someplace I can shoot in my back yard."

    Try East St Louis. You can both live in a city AND shoot in your back yard, front yard, side get the idea.

    Down side is a lot of it looks like the pictures I've seen of Detroit.

  7. "Interactive murder map" sounds like a 21st century voodoo doll.


  8. One hopes these guys are matches to a murder this March in that general area. Thanks for putting this up.

  9. Fuzzy Curmudgeon,

    "The area to avoid, though, is that east-west belt of gore that runs through the middle of town. Gee, I wonder who lives there."

    Poor people. Criminals. (And that belt extends out into "The Swamp", much of which is as white as Eminem.)

    If you keep people in a zoo, they will act like animals.

  10. as it happens, i Can shoot in my back yard, though i must drive a couple of miles to buy beer of any kind the shooty part makes up for it.

  11. Like I tried to say: I like living in the country. It's suburbia that drives me buggy.

  12. Me too. I love it in the country. Chickens, goats, cows, shooting. I really miss that stuff.

  13. If you treat humans like animals, they'll make their own wilderness. All you have to do then is build the walls.

  14. What east-west "belt"?

    I'm seein' a lot of dots below the belt, as well .... the only safe area appears to be near Tam ... coincidence, I'm sure .....

  15. Murder is a bad metric to use when discussing guns and violence.

    Murder works where emergency medical care is slow, the hospital is far away and trauma surgery is not practiced full time.

    Some inner cities (like Atlanta, GA) have low murder rates because the state's best ERs is located mere blocks from the worst ghettos of the whole state.

    A medical student I knew there once said, "I used to think that people who got shot just died. Now I know they go to Grady Hospital to get patched up."

    Get your newspaper to post all shootings and you might learn that your idealized enclave is not so far from urban violence.

  16. mikee,

    1) I've actually been to Grady via ambulance.

    2) Are you saying that Virginia Highlands is more violent than the old Techwood?

    3) I am very well aware of reported crimes in the area, even the non homicide variety, Thank You Very Much.

  17. Also also, the best trauma center in the state? Right down amongst all those dots. Hospitals near me where there aren't any dots? Zero.

    Nearest one of consequence is out past 86th and Ditch.


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