Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A fine domestic whine.

Dick Metcalf is still running to anybody who'll drape a crying towel over their shoulder for him.

Jesus, Dick, have some frickin’ dignity. This is beyond unbecoming.

Take your medicine like a ****ing grownup. People have stood in front of firing squads with more aplomb than you've shown getting a column taken away from you.


  1. I will happily offer him a last cigarrette.

  2. Holy S***, Dick... ****ing grow a pair, already. You ****ed up, now face the music like a man (cue Godfather scene where the Don tells Johnny to act like a man). This kind of ignorance on display can only be borne of arrogance and elitism. After all, who are we plebeians and serfs to question the will of those who are our lords? *sarcasm*

    At least Zumbo had the strength to accept his fate with what graces he could muster.

  3. Photo proof of your assertion:

  4. I read the latest article. You can find revealing lefty-type firearm references and phrases scattered throughout.

    Sad, really. I read a lot of his stuff growing up. Good thing I didn't take to heart everything he wrote...

  5. Pick the target.
    Freeze it.
    Personalize it.
    Polarize it.

    It would appear Dick's been reading Alinsky.

    - Drifter

  6. Well, he just keeps making himself seem more and more endearing to any potential gun mag editor don't he?

    You'd be insane not to hire an ignorant, arrogant, whiny prima donna who'll run off screaming to the media if you ever have to fire him.


  7. Also for someone that swore up and down that you pro-"sensible regulations" while still being pro gun he sure likes to pepper his whinges with phrases about how awesome restricting rights are and how horrid those icky proles are.

    Count down until he goes full Bloomberg and starts talking about the need to ban assault weapons? Oh! Maybe he'll go after Saturday Night Specials.

  8. I think we're all expecting too much of Mr. Metcalf. He already showed his true colors.

  9. I believe Mr. Metcalf has lived in Illinois a long, long time. The environment has obviously poisoned his mind.

  10. Scratch him hard enough and you find the journalist within. I'm starting to thing those degree in programs designed to tell us about things are less that honest.

    I think both Samuel Clemens and Will Rodgers opined on the veracity of the printed word.

    I never did like Dick's writing all that much anyway.

  11. See Dick.
    See Dick cry.
    See Dick try to profit from his screw-up by writing exposes for anti-gun publications and getting a slot on MSNBC.

    It's the new American way, sadly.

  12. Does Dick Metcalf now find himself "reasonably restricted"?

  13. @AMB. Great photo -- so great that I wonder if it is not a staged Freikorps propaganda photo!

    And look at the shooter at viewer's right. A girl? Or just a very boyish volunteer, considering most of them were WWI vets.

    But not to hijack the comment thread . . . as I said earlier, this all smells of a professional p.r. operation, and I wonder who is paying. I expect to see ol' Dick on The View next, not that I watch it.

    Zumbo's problems did not attract any attention outside the shooting/outdoor-writing world, and to my mind, he had higher name recognition within it.

  14. Cynic that I am, my guess is he's just trying not to disappear until he gets some gig with the anti-gun media. He is, after all, a "truth teller" and a "victim" of the gun lobby.

  15. If Dick ends up on the view, which hostess will he become/ I mean, replace?

    And Anonymous at 6:37 am, do you know how the sales for "Rules for Radicals" has been trending over the last 5 years? I'm thinking that having "That Man in the White House" has to have done good things for sales.

  16. Either nobody has pointed it out, or else Dick refuses to accept that the bullet hole in his foot was self inflicted.

    At least he waited until after shooting his foot to place it in his mouth.

  17. I hate to say he's a whiny little b##ch, but if the shoe fits sweetheart...

  18. Don't kid yourself. The back page that got him in trouble was about in approximately 400, 000 cc applicants getting the mandated training from Illinois new laws. And who has a 170 acre training facility in Illinois?

  19. Yeah, I'd heard about that. It's no different than the people who are behind the push for a training-required "Super CCW Permit" here in IN all coincidentally being instructors.

    Like Shootin' Buddy is fond of pointing out, all laws are rent seeking or fence building.

  20. (I mean, I know why he said what he said; what sets me off is his response after being caught out. What's got my dander up is his playing Alcibiades, offering aid and succor to the enemy.)

  21. Damn, an Alcibiades reference. I have despised that guy since college, and fear that there's maybe two dozen people int he US who would get a reference.

    Hell, Benedict Arnold only committed treason once.

  22. He's gonna be moving to California soon?

  23. Meanwhile Zumbo got a lifetime award from the NSSF at the industry dinner last tuesday. During the blind introduction the presenter said "we don't all share the same opinion" as part of the leadup. The guy next to me said "if it is Metcalf..." right as the presenter said "after president obama this man is probably responsible for the sale of more AR 15's than anyone else, welcom Jim Zumbo..." The crowd applauded and I think it is fair to say he has been forgiven. It only took a decade but he did it.

  24. Just stumbled on this...

    Guess who got the one OA-93, which ended up with the ATF deciding 7.62X39 was an 'armor piercing' pistol round?

    'In the early Summer 1994 OA Vice-President Bruce Bell called the author to state that there were actually seven .30 caliber OA-93s in existence, and that only one had actually ever left their facility... and that to gunwriter Dick Metcalf, and that they be then had it back in their possession.'


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