Sunday, January 05, 2014

I feel bad now...

...because I have managed to arrange to be out of town for Snowpocalypse, which Bobbi is liveblogging.

They're supposed to get a dusting here in K-town, but I haven't heard if they're expecting any accumulation or not.


  1. Normal weather here in Cheyenne.

    I need to get the damned snow mower out again, as the fat white rain keeps falling ...

  2. It's gonna be 50 degrees warmer where you are tomorrow than it will be where Bobbi is. :o

  3. I don't envy her weathering this alone at all, we're forecast for -20 overnight. The snow I can handle. The burst water mains out in the street, not so much. 8 gallons of water, capful of bleach, in each bathroom just in case. Turkey fryer ready to melt snow if needed...

  4. So far, so good, it's 4:30 in the afternoon and we have gotten maybe an inch or so of snow, and it's mostly very wet. Hopefully, that means when the predicted wind blows tomorrow, it'll stay in place and not drift. I'm pretty sure my snowplow (1949 I-H forklift) won't start when it's near zero.

  5. Well, I typed too soon: within minutes of my posting above, it started snowing, hard! I'd guess it's about 2" per hour. It'll be nasty by morning.

  6. "It's gonna be 50 degrees warmer where you are tomorrow than it will be where Bobbi is. :o"

    I hope so ... I couldn't feel my damned fingers after moving the snow.

  7. You can always travel a few miles to the south and get up in the mountains above Gatlinburg if you really feel the need.

  8. I couldn't tell if Roberta's snowblogging was to make you feel guilty ...

    Or attract some shoveling help with the dinner photo ....

  9. I feel bad now...

    But you got over it, eh? :-)

    Sunday's snowmegedon turned to rain for us in the lower Great Miami Valley. I was SO looking forward to playing in it with my snow blower.

    +2 here in this morning. Car did NOT want to start. Supposed to be -5 when I get off today. Shoulda brought my sleeping bag, just in case.

  10. Hey, I just drove through there last Thursday heading for SW Iowa...where it's negative eleven right now...and 64 at home...

    wtf was i thinking...

  11. I'm at a truck top in Michigan. Today looks better than yesterday, but I may not go anywhere till tomorrow.

  12. Well...wherever you are, stay safe. We joke about it, but this kind of cold CAN kill very fast. Ya'll be careful out there!!!


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