Thursday, January 02, 2014

Overheard in the Car...

Driving the Subie to Hardee's. The orchestral opening of "Left To My Own Devices" is coming up on the iThingy...
Gunsmith Bob: "Disney music?"

Me (bopping as the beat starts): "Pet Shop Boys."

Gunsmith Bob: "Poofters before breakfast, Tam?"

Me: "That's going on the internet. Ooh! You're gonna lose your TV show!"


  1. Gunsmith Bob has a prophet beard now?

    Shootin' Buddy


  2. Outrage is a bourgeois construct.

  3. You've taught me a new term today.

    They make some good music though.

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who still likes 80's pop :)

  4. I first read the line as , "Driving the Subie to Hades."

    It kinda works but I better go caffeinate my self.


  5. I don't get where "Disney music" comes from. How does the intro to "Left to my own devices" remind anybody of a mouse.

    (Listening to this now - feel like I need to hang a disco ball over my PC)

  6. So you can't wear white after Labor Day and no poofters before breakfast?

  7. Rule 1: No Poofters!

  8. I'm confused here, but I'm a redneck from LA (That'd be Lower Arkansas, actually.), so I may have an excuse.

    If the Pet Shop Boys are poofters, what is Boy George? Is he just Ghey, or what? These fine distinctions are escaping me for some reason. Then again, as already noted, I'm not really hooked into the current pop culture. I dropped out of new music in the mid to late '90s of the previous Millennium.

    But I know who the Pet Shop Boys are, for what that's worth.

  9. Boy George is just gay, not ghey.

    I found out the other day that the word "ghey" is an attempt to maintain the perjorative nature of the word, while decoupling it from necessarily referring to homosexuality.

    Basically, they are attempting to create a homonym (no pun intended), where "ghey" means "distasteful, bad, undesirable" and "gay" means "homosexual".

    I can't remember where i read it, but it seemed like utter bullshit then, too... :)

  10. Great... cue the irate GLAAD trolls in 3...2...1...

    Huh, I was sure they'd be here by now... don't they read this blog? Sure they do, not reading it would be totally gay.

    Oh shit.


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