Friday, January 03, 2014

School today, I guess.

It looked like it was trying to snow in Knoxville last night, but I guess not enough little kids wore their pyjamas inside out to make it stick.


  1. Inside out? Now that is a new one to me.

  2. pyjamas inside out?

    I had never heard of that. Where I grew up, getting snow to stick was never a problem. It took quite a bit to get them to cancel school, usually several inches with strong winds. When my kids were little, they started cancelling school for mere low temperatures, -20F or so.

  3. I am so not ready for highs in the minus degrees...

    Took blizzards to close schools back in my day. inch or two will do it. I blame liability lawyers for causing the schools to be afraid...very afraid.

  4. Liability Lawyers haven't found the Metro areas of ND yet. They cancel school if the plows can't keep the main streets clear. That... happens very infrequently. Maybe if we got an honest to god -40F day. Maybe. It'd have to be windy too. (But hey, Its ND, its always windy)

  5. Where I am today temps are above zero, but at home it seems the Governor has directed the closing of all schools due to cold temperatures.


  6. My wife texted a few minutes ago to tell me my kids' school is delaying start two hours Monday and Tuesday because temps are expected to be lower teens and single digits on those two mornings respectively.

    Coldest temps here in a decade.

  7. My highschools official policy was "we will be open, use your judgement whether its worth your life " that did result in one teacher playing penny ante poker watching movies and drinking cocoa with 6 students a couple of times...


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