Friday, January 17, 2014


Sorry for the lack of blogging the last couple days. I've been doing work-type-work, helping get S.W.A.T. Magazine's SHOT Show video coverage out onto the intertubes.

I've spent two days pretty much glued to the computer monitor except for lunch breaks, and I had the iPad with me at Fat Dan's, so, you know..

Anyhow, several people have been very complimentary of our coverage of the show, and that gives me the warm-'n'-fuzzies. (And we've still got more video to sort through and see what needs posting!) It's good to get such immediate and positive feedback on the work.

The best part? This was just a shakedown run for S.W.A.T.'s SHOT coverage in 2015. It will be... and I hate this word, y'all... it will be epic.


  1. So which word is it? Y'all or epic? *ducks* Keep it up! Nice work on the vids.

  2. Did they have a free ice cream machine at the SHOT Show?

    Oh wait, I can go check the coverage myself!

  3. Gotta say, the SWAT stuff has been really good.


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