Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tab Clearing...

Irony alert in the two pieces above: The millionaire's yacht of vacationing trust-fund hippies is no doubt full of bien pensant Progressives while the dolechequers of Owsley went for Romney by a whopping 81%.


  1. I probably saw that boat in Olympia about fifteen years ago. At least unless there was a second former mine planter in the Pacific Northwest at the time.

    Walking the piers up there you can spot some interesting, even amazing specimens. Further south the marinas are filled with mass produced fiberglass, up there it's more idiosyncratic.

    I once spotted the ex-USS Plainview, the Navy's experimental hydrofoil submarine chaser from the sixties, grounded in a small inlet near Astoria.

  2. Pretty powerful contrast. But I thought income disparity was another liberal-media hoax? Anyway, here's a soundtrack for Act 2, from last year's Album of the Decade So Far:

  3. I think the liberal media hoax is that government can fix the income disparity. It seems to be at least half the problem.

  4. The people on that boat are so worried about income disparity that they vote to give more of my money to Owsley County, which is big-hearted of them, I suppose.

    I'm sure none of them use any fancy tax shelters.

    Personally, income disparity does not bother me: Prosperity is not a zero-sum game.

    Hypocrisy? That bothers me. The entire "Let's you and him fight!" underpinnings of the modern progressive worldview? That bugs then fuck out of me.

    You can see it everywhere, at every level of the orthodox US liberal weltanschauung. For instance "Violence is wrong, so if confronted with violence, use your iPhone to summon some hourly-wage untermenschen with a gun to dirty his soul on your behalf."

    That's just toxic thinking.

  5. Careful Tam, talk like that will bring you to Room 101.

  6. I suspect people on the dole in Owsley County don't vote.

  7. Thanks for the Plainview link. Dated a woman whose Dad worked on that project.

  8. Pew pew pew:

  9. On a side note, if you have not read "Wet Work" by Christopher Buckley, you are really missing out on a great book. For some reason this post made me think of it.

  10. Positively beautiful boat. Although, that shot of the creepy old guy in a hot tub with a young boy? The look on his face is a little unnerving.

  11. Sometimes I want to take anyone who talks about "White Privilege" out to visit Appalachia. The whole idea of Harvard professor lecturing a coal miner on his privilege makes me want to punch someone.

    And of course, Tam, they only vote Romney because the Republican party has brainwashed them by hating the gays.

  12. Mr. Williamson is too stupid to figure out that it's easy to wash muck off a truck, yet a solid color interior is difficult to clean and still looks dirty once it's been stained with mud.


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