Monday, February 24, 2014

Against interest?

Why would the owners of a gun store and firing range constantly write big checks to the election campaigns of people who want to ban those very things? Mysteriouser and mysteriouser...


  1. Well it seems like the company in question is more interested in being a PMC than being a public shooting range. So paying of clients makes sense even if the clients hate guns.

  2. But their product isn't a shooting range, it's security contracts.

    Democrats love to vilify mercenaries, it's true. They also love to hire mercenaries, so they can hide behind them and feel safe from those gun-toting right-wingers. All in all I doubt MVM thinks it's acting against its own interest.

  3. "In the hopes of being devoured last" is the way Winston Churchill used to describe that sort of behavior.

  4. I lived a couple of miles down the road from Silver Eagle during the period they were getting permits and such, and on into the period they were actually getting started as a range. Their approach always seemed a bit off to me, and rather elitist. Kinda "HK-ish."

    I'll have to ask my friend who still lives nearby how things are going with Silver Eagle. He used to be a big supporter of theirs (based on the premise that more ranges are good things), but I haven't heard anything out of him lately about them, good or bad.

  5. something about appeasing the lion in order to be eaten last?

  6. Maybe they're hoping for the door-to-door gun confiscation contract?

  7. Sounds like protection money to me.

  8. Seems to me lotsa folks are operating under the assumption that Lefties want to ban ALL guns. They only want to ban YOUR guns. The guns their body guards and other assorted goons tote are fine- they are under their control...... "Gun Control? It's not about the guns: It's about CONTROL."

    Personally, I think the country has much more to fear from government funded squads of Lon Horiuchi wannabees looking for a reason to exist than from Ray-Ray's Freelance Pharmaceuticals and it's client base disputes .... Ray-Ray won't charter a jet to fly across the country just to shoot your wife in the face.


  9. 'Cause you suck and they hate you.

  10. Limbaugh has commented on this phenomenon at some length, how some large corporations give to both parties and so on. There are a lot of possibilities, but much of politics it seems involves the art of the shake-down. -- Lyle

  11. Maybe it's a case of "contribute to our campaign or we will destroy you."


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