Tuesday, February 25, 2014

...and more sad news.

My buddy Barkley passed yesterday. Y'all keep Brigid in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Jerry Pournelle's Sable, too. 'Twas a bad day for dogs and Ghostbusters :-(

  2. On it Tam. Barkley's passing has been noted, with sadness, by a number of bloggers. Our hearts go out to Brigid.

  3. Hi Tam, I am not a blogger but there are several blogs that I follow and read every day, yours and Brigid being two of them. I cannot comment on her blog because she reqires login with a id/password from some social media sites that I refuse to join and share a lot of personal information about myself. Over the years I feel like I have come to know Barkley well and will miss reading about his antics. If you would be so kind, please pass on my condolences to her and Partner. I know how it feels to have to say goodbye to a beloved pet, it is like losing a child and it hurts very much.

    Thank you,

    Fred G Omaha

  4. Barkley's passing has resulted in more than a few tears yesterday. I had been holding out hope it was an orthopedic injury that could be treated, but that was not to be, sadly. I will miss reading about his antics.

  5. Like Fred G I cannot express my condolences to Brigid on her site but she - and Barkley - are in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. We get their loyalty so briefly because it is so total.

  7. This has been a harsh winter in more than just the weather.

    - My wife and I had to put down our cat (the Huck-clone) after 14-years of being a good companion.

    - Lileks finally had to put down the Jasper-dog after almost 20 years of being a very good dog, indeed. (They used the same at-home service that we did.)

    - Now Brigid has lost her faithful companion of many years.

    Pass our condolences on to Brigid (I also cannot comment there), and keep scritching Rannie and Huck for us. We never know how long our buddies will be with us.

  8. A beef joint shall be given to a random dog in Barley's memory.

  9. Thank you, who made comments here, especially those who too have lost a beloved pet

    Tam, Barkley loved his "other Mom" and all the care and sleepovers at my house when I was traveling made his days a joy. He will be missed by a lot of people.

  10. It takes a very special person to enter into a relationship with a being that you know from the beginning you are going to outlive. Some of us do it over and over....

    Bless the Indy rescue chicks. My sister about a half-hour out of Indianapolis was at the shelter looking at some boxer pups and fell in love with a Lab-Shepherd that was in his third shelter because he had been blind from birth. The pup went home with Sis and has turned out to be one of those best-dogs-ever that most people don't realize is blind.


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