Thursday, February 20, 2014

Black dog.

I haven't been using my solar spectrum UV lamp enough this winter, obviously.

The worst part about being depressed is that when you say you are, everybody immediately wants to talk to you about it, when all I want to do is pull the covers over my head until it goes away. Which it will. It always has before. I just need some sunshine, range time, and bicycle weather.

Come on, spring!


  1. Could be why cabin fever is the worst just before spring. Put a daylight bulb in a lamp on a timer to go off a few hours before sun up. Works

  2. What, you don't like like talking about your broken leg instead of applying a little traction, some gauze and plaster of paris?

  3. In my experience they don't want to talk to you about it. Being lonesome breeds more lonesome I imagine.

  4. The black dog is a ferocious beast. Hang on until a bright, sunny, warm day puts it back on the leash.

  5. OK no "I've got the blue's and am tired of winter" talk. We can always talk about something embarrassing or silly we did, include beer and food for a party.

  6. In my defense, I only want to talk to you about inasmuch as I want to figure out what I can do to make you feel better as quickly as possible.

    Depression sucks, and I don't want my friends to suffer from it.


    ... dear God, I just realized that I'm actually Pinkie Pie.

  7. Depressing, shitty winter weather is why man invented scotch..


  8. Sounds like a good reason to book a firearms training course in Arizona or New Mexico. Or maybe dove shooting in Honduras.


  9. Orbitz says 9-hours and $802 round trip from Circle-City to Maui. Yeh, 9-hours is no good and the TSA sucks worse than any depression might ever.

  10. Same here on not using the lamp enough. Need a switch that will turn it on when I open my laptop.

  11. You are supposed to paint. Maybe collect stamps.

  12. Bad dog! No biscuit.
    Hubby refers to Seasonal Defective Disorder, I think it's fitting for me anyway.
    Our range is always open for you and we've got a bit of sunshine too.

  13. Tam, you're wrong, winter makes fine riding weather, especially hard frozen trails.

    This wet shit, however, most certainly is not.

  14. Yeah, this winter finally broke me too. Last week I just lost my mind for a couple days because I couldn't take it anymore.

    Much better now.

    Hang in there.

  15. Everyone gets the morbs from time to time.

    - wodun

  16. Every time I get the urge to pack it up and move to Idaho or Wyoming and disappear, I'm reminded of this one unpleasant truth.


  17. I'm going to open the window in the shop, fire up the burner and cast some boolits. It's either that or get out in the cold and hit the local stop and rob for some quick cash. (JK).

    We got hit a little some more yesterday. It was raining that turned to hail that turned to snow. We didn't get much but it was dark and gloomy all day. The grand sons were here so at least we were amused.

    Sometimes I miss Texas.

  18. I call it PMS.

    Parked Motorcycle Syndrome.

    Working nights and (sorta) sleeping days doesn't help the situation.

  19. C'mon, and visit Houston & Galveston. I'll host a range day at the Texas City Municipal Range.

    It's an extraordinarily well maintained facility, nearly military grade in terms of upkeep and groundskeeping.

    You'll shoot in the sunshine! You'll shoot every day-aayy-aay!

    You'll shoot in the sunshine!
    So bring those Smiths n' play!

    Yeah, I've got the oldies station on the radio, go figure.

    Seriously, c'mon down and shoot. Get some beach time in, too. It's what, a 15 hour drive or so?

    And, we can rally your Southern readership 'round at one of the many fine local eateries.

    We'll just call it the first stop on your upcoming book tour, and you can write the whole thing off as an expense. Heh!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  20. Change your lattitude.

    That isn't a misprint. I hear the keys are nice this time of year. Maybe Baja?

  21. Aren't you afraid as a gunowner of discussing depression in a public format under your real neame where you can easily identified?

  22. As long as Tam doesn't actually shoot herself using an assault weapon because she has the winter time blues, I think public discussion of one's depression has no downside other than the one she posted.

    I therefore keep all other comments re my own experiences with that damn black dog to myself, and suggest nothing, either.

  23. Tam,

    Ask your pharmacist or doctor about melatonin, and about St. John's Wort.

    I recall asking my doctor in Phoenix about St. John's Wort -- he said he started taking it so maybe he wouldn't be so pissed off during his morning rounds. I wish(ed) him well.

    Me? A capsule (otc SJW) a couple times a week, anytime I get to morning and still feel tired. I hate to overdo things.

    Blessed be.

  24. Arizona, home to 330 days of sunshine per year. And, summertime temps approaching the flash point of human hair, but if we didn't have that, everyone would try to live here.

  25. The worst part about depression is it robs you of all the energy and initiative you need to do the things you know will make you feel better, like some form of exercise or anything that makes you spend lots of time out in the sun, or be willing to shine a big light in your eyes. To the extent you actually want to do anything, mostly it's things that will actually make matters worse.

    Which is not so much a cheerleading speech- depression is utterly immune to cheerleading- as "yah, it's a nasty beast that way".

  26. I think this is appropriate:


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