Monday, February 10, 2014

Farmer Frank update.

Shootin' Buddy called yesterday, having just gotten done visiting Frank James in the hospital. If I've got the details right, it was a stroke, it happened Tuesday, and it was the right carotid artery.

He got treatment quickly, the docs all seemed positive and upbeat, as did Frank. Shootin' Buddy said Frank wasn't doing any gesturing with his left hand, but they still had him on a feeding tube plus whatever other tubes and wires they're all the time connecting people up to in hospital, which would cramp anybody's style, being made to look like the distributor cap on a '49 Ford and all.

Bobbi and I are kicking around the idea of driving up for a visit next weekend, weather permitting. Having spent my share of time in a rehab hospital, I know how dreary and dull that is.


  1. Thanks, that's great news.

  2. Glad to hear they got him to treatment quickly. If dealing with a possible stroke, remember FAST:

    FACE (numbness, uneven smile, drooping)
    ARM & LEG (weakness, numbness)
    SPEECH (slurred, mute)
    TIME (call the ambulance fast)

  3. Tam, thank you for keeping us informed. I've been reading and appreciating Frank James since the early eighties, and I'm relieved that his prognosis is positive. My best wishes to Mr. James and his family; and I hope for a quick and full recovery.

  4. Thanks for the info, Tam. Frank is too tough and stubborn to let this keep him down.

  5. Thanks for the info, Tam. Frank is too tough and stubborn to let this keep him down.

  6. Thanks for the Update Tam . We will keep him in our thoughts hoping for a full and speedy recovery .

  7. Thanks for the Update. I did my rehab at home so it was less boring. Now they do it all at what was nursing homes. Course once you get in one of those places you might never leave.

    Hope Frank is up and at 'em soon. I like his coyote tails, so to speak.

  8. Tam,
    is there some way to get a mailing address to send stuff to Frank?

    I've got a couple aviation mags with P-38 Lightning stories that I've wanted to send to him for some time now. Can't comment on his blog, for some reason. I thought I might have found his farm business address a while back, right about the time he sold it, so, not even being sure it was the right Frank, I didn't chance it. Thoughts?

  9. Give him a smooch for me, if you would.

  10. Thanks for the update, Tam. If anyone can beat this sort of thing, it would be Farmer Frank.

    And let me add that I know for a fact that a visit from you and Bobbi would make his day. He told me you two were always welcome at the farm. He does hold both of you in high regard.

    I just wish I could go see him myself......

  11. I'd also like his address to send a card or some mags.


  12. Thanks for the update and best wishes from me too.

  13. Thanks for the update Tam. Good thoughts his way.

  14. Good luck and best wishes, and don't forget to bring in the machine that goes Piiiing, and also get the most expensive machine in case the administrator comes.

  15. Thanks for the update, and thoughts and prayers for Frank.

  16. Work is 17 buckets of suck right now, but I'm in the area and weather is never an obstacle for me.

  17. Tell FF best wishes for a speedy recovery when you see him.



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