Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I get cold just looking at that...

Cool picture from Wikipedia:

I like how the .jpg is titled "lake effect snow on Earth", just in case anybody thought that picture was from, I dunno, the Cassini probe's Venus flyby or something...


  1. Actually? That photo kinda is. You don't get lake effect snow from frozen lakes.

  2. And the computer models show that this recent warm up down here in NC is only a tease, and that record cold temps will return by the end of the month, with more precipitation of the freezing kind. Guess the groundhog was right!

  3. Yeah, I don't miss living in NW Indiana dead nuts in the path of that...

  4. You know, except for the obvious ground stufd there, that could almost be a frosted window that had been wiped with a hand and then refrosted.

  5. I live at the very western tip of that lake in the upper left quadrant.

    We're having an unseasonable amount of snow and cold around here.

    Most of us are fairly hardy, be even the die-hards are getting cranky and prone to irritability.

    I'll be glad when this is on the way out.

  6. I wonder if CO2 will start precipitating out?

    Russians at the Vostok Antarctic station called this "angel snow" ... as in you'll be seeing angels real soon.

  7. Looks like home to me, sitting here about 1/3 over from middle of the left edge, trying to drive to the very left edge today.

  8. In Westeros, the kingdoms of men built a wall to protect them from the horrors of the wintery north.

    In Michigan, we built a bridge to it and vacation there.

  9. The caption is probably necessary, the number of people who can't recognize the Great Lakes on a map is depressingly large. I notice that even Lake Nipigon (at the very top above Superior's hump) is creating lake effect snow.

    Don't forget we live in a world where 40% of students don't understand that the moon has gravity.
    Read the whole thing and despair.


  10. In Michigan, we built a bridge to it and vacation there.

    Hahah! Speaking as a troll (grew up "under" (south of) the Mackinac Bridge), da UP means beautiful scenery, a pretty darn good technical university, well-exercised livers and the occasional good-looking redheaded werewolf.

    40% of students don't understand that the moon has gravity.
    Huh. I ran into that once. I thought it was lovingly handcrafted artisinal ignorance, but you're telling me it's apparently common mass-produced ignorance. How disappointing.

  11. Very cool image. Satellites are fun. Hey, that's a slightly larger version of my coffee cup when I step outside with it on a cold morning. - Lyle

  12. Lakes? There are lakes in that picture?

    It looked to me like a microscope photo of a really nasty virus.

  13. This year Superior is almost totally frozen over.


    Shits cold man.

  14. Back when I was a pup my dispatcher sent me from Chicago around the lake up to B. F. Michigan to pick up a load of frozen apple pulp bound for KC (there to be thawed and juiced; the Invisible Hand works in mysterious ways).

    I will never forget goggling out the windows and mumbling to myself for hours at the snow falling continuously out of a bright cloudless pale blue sky all the way up the MI side.



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