Saturday, February 01, 2014

I got nothin'.

I had two deadlines this past week* plus the tapering end of all the SHOT stuff, and my brain is emptier than a convention hall hosting the annual "LGBTQ Atheist Vegans for Rick Perry Presidential Action Committee" meeting.

Talk amongst yourselves for a bit while I see if I can get my thinkbox jumpstarted or if I just fall back and punt and go read a book or play 'puter games.

*For someone who writes almost compulsively, the way some people scratch their ass, having to sit down and generate organized words on a specific topic is unbelievably hard for me. Therefore, like any task I find even slightly daunting or off-putting, I am splendid at finding reasons to avoid it. If you were the kind of person who was hurriedly penning the last lines of a term paper when the kids two rows to your left were already passing their papers forward for collection, you know the feeling.


  1. So which is better .32H&R or a .35S&W?



  3. Yeah, want to shut me up, just give me a deadline.

  4. Not to worry; your Muse will be back with The Best Stuff of Your Life as soon as you get elbows-deep in a can't-quit-in-the-middle project.

  5. Here's a warning for you:

    Rick Perry actually might have a following based on the Austin, Texas population that comprises your specified group exercising the right of free association.

    They aren't all leftist hippies in that subpopulation around here.

    Like I said, just a warning.

  6. I bet Ron Paul could beat John Galt if he had a Glock and Galt had a 1911.

  7. With "LGBTQ Atheist Vegans for Rick Perry Presidential Action Committee" you have already destroyed one keyboard today. Your job is complete. I bow to you.

  8. Reading a good book and playing some computer games could stimulate one's mind much more than cruising the internet for fools, foolish and very funny. Hmm, talking and reacting with real folks instead of avatars would be ... for many of my kind, interesting.

  9. Unitarian Universalists LGBTQ Vegans for Rick Perry Presidential Committee for Action12:39 AM, February 02, 2014



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