Monday, February 03, 2014

Overheard in the Hallway...

Me: "What's up with Al Roker today? Every time they cut to or from a break, Al is sitting there chortling and rocking back and forth in his chair like a man with a live squirrel down his pants."

RX: "Al might like that sort of thing."

Me: "For all I know, it was in his contract. 'Well, Al, ratings are up over last season and your spot's been really popular. So, like we agreed, here's a live squirrel down your trousers.'"


  1. Do you think he's recently attended the First Self-Righteous Church in Pascagoula?

    - Drifter

  2. He's channeling Ed Wynn's character in Mary Poppins, and he's trying to float around the room.

    For even better ratings, you know.

  3. Maybe he won the office pool from the weekend.

  4. maybe someone slipped him a mickey.

  5. Maybe he pooped in his pants again.

  6. Oh... I HAVE to learn NOT to start taking a drink when I read these... sigh... :-)

  7. What's even weirder is when Al channels the Muttley laugh from the old Hanna-Barbera cartoons...

  8. Jim, I had forgotten that until you mentioned it. I would hope that as a grown male human (Man? Adult? He's a flaming leftist, so it's grown male human) he would have taken steps to avoid that again, or gotten professional help.

  9. Sadly no. He was doing it on the Weather Channel just last week.

  10. Another failed attempt to find the Higgs boson.


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