Sunday, February 23, 2014

Overheard in the Office...

RX: "Ĵɑраηέѕҿ Ӟ ɭɞѵєІ Ϸїᶊḩ ḏᶉǡɨɳɘʀ"

Me: "Huh-wha...? Ohhh... 'Japanese three-level dish drainer'. For a second, I thought you'd said 'three-level douche strainer'."

RX: "They're a very thrifty people."


  1. A lot of years of loud conspires to make one's ears less than optimal. I have finally explained to people that unless they speak loudly and clearly to me I will simply ignore them. You cannot imagine how immeasurably better this has made my life.

  2. It doesn't help that our chairs are back to back, and both of us are prone to spontaneous narration of the intertubes to the other.

    So Bobbi'll be several words into the conversation when my brain realizes that the noise it's hearing is the other person in the room speaking, and attempts to infer meaning from the unparsed sounds it just heard, often with amusing results...

  3. I recently noticed that my left-side hearing is worse than my right. Still I hear pretty well for a guy my age.

    I looked for a 3-tier Japanese dish drainer, and could find only 2-tier models. But you reminded me of how well I liked the old bamboo model I used for years -- enough that I repaired it multiple times with TiteBond and tiny screws. Much better than the generic Rubbermaid wire tray. And now they make them in metal. I will think about getting one of those.

    So, thanks for making me look.

  4. The backstory enhances this, but in the interest of brevity, what I heard from the older lady was, "We aren't very busy, do you want to have sex?".
    What she actually said was, "We aren't very busy, do you want a head set?"
    I'm not going to tell you how it played out.

  5. Perhaps it would help if you put the desks back to back, instead of the chairs.
    Yeah, I know, cables, wires, wall hangers, foot traffic patterns, doorways, windows, cats, etc...

    Whoops, maybe the cats should have been closer to the head of that list :)

  6. Oh my! I just noticed and followed the link.

    I can really sympathize with that guy from my years as a parts counterman.

    The one I still laugh most about was "washers wha go on de back o de face bowl." It took multiple tries for me to get it that clear (was pure gibberish to start).

    Turns out he wanted the little conical seals for the supply line to a lavatory or "washers that go on the back of a face bowl". I had never heard it called a face bowl.

  7. Years ago I saw an out-take show from England which included interesting newsman problems.

    One of my favorites was an American interviewing a North Sea fisherman about the impact of oil drilling on his livelihood. As the shows announcer put it "He was expecting to talk to someone speaking English with a trace of accent. He got Accent with a trace of English."

    Admittedly I think the man was actually speaking Scots, not English, because I couldn't understand a word either.

  8. No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women, no fun, no me, no you, no wonder it's dark.


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