Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Continuing edjumacation...

The other week we went to a class on Indiana firearms law. Next month, at the NRA Annual Meeting here in Indianapolis, the world famous Ambulance Driver is going to be putting on a class on Shooter Self-Care First Aid.

You should sign up! I did!


  1. Very interesting. Would be willing to cheerfully drive 200 miles to go to this course.

    Sadly, that's still 2000 miles too far away. This sort of thing needs to be more widespread.

  2. Hmmm ... I suppose learning how to use that trauma/blood clot pack in my hunting bag might be useful ...

  3. I wonder what he thinks of this new product. Better than the old field-expedient tampon, favored by mercs the world over. Or so I am told.

  4. Chas, these things are like fishing lures and boutique bullets: their primary goal is to dupe gullible people into buying them.

    Any additional utility they offer (and they usually don't) is purely coincidental.

  5. @AD. I'll hang onto my tampons then. :)

    And is it OK I quote you?

  6. After my Kaboom Last year When i realized I did not even have a band aid Nor a cell phone I got a rather extensive Trauma kit and added Eyewash and patches. I carry a one hand tourniquet at work (at the State Prison JIC). I felt the Extractor/ Ejector go by the end of my nose. Needless to say that pistol went down the road after it was repaired by the Factory.

  7. Done - looking forward to it!


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